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Everything posted by Booper

  1. In high school I banged a skating carhops. She was definitely a brown bag special.
  2. Are we in some kind of I wish I was Dead Period?
  3. This is the way you loosen aggy purse strings
  4. Where else is she supposed to be?
  5. Ironically, David Ash
  6. IMG_4864.mov Time lapse from my phone with filter taped over lenses.
  7. I think I'm a Cameron but with tacos and hot bitches
  8. Resetting my ad blocker fixed my issue.
  9. I’m getting blasted with pop up ads on my iPhone. I have AdGuard on. This morning I couldn’t get on the site due to a server connection issue and when I came back later the ads were there. Anyone else have issues?
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