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The Marsellus Wallace

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Everything posted by The Marsellus Wallace

  1. Add me to the list. My interest in everything except CFB has just about evaporated--including especially the NFL. I attribute my general loss of interest largely to the unwanted and unnecessary incursion of politics into sport. The shit going on these days is just about to get me out completely.
  2. Agree. I suspect C-19 is just a catalyst--maybe even an excuse--to cut a bunch of bullshit dead weight. Now, if we could just use the same excuse to get rid of fucking Title IX . . .
  3. Are you kidding me? If it works, there's way too much money at stake for CFB not to get it. Money Talks, meet Mr. Tokamak. Mr. Tokamak, this is Money Talks. Y'all shake hands--uh, I mean, bump elbows.
  4. Not to worry, help is on the way. CFB 2020 is saved (and, like George, I've got some beachfront in Arizona for sale): https://texashillcountry.com/doctor-claims-silver-bullet-covid/
  5. I'm a lifelong opponent of camels' noses under tents.
  6. The plague of vulturous plaintiffs' law firms has already begun the feeding frenzy: https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2020/04/20/students-sue-universities-tuition-and-fee-refunds (99% of lawyers give the rest of us a bad name.)
  7. Unless he gets caught screwing the AD's daughter. (No pix, sorry.) (Does the AD even have a daughter?) (Fuck, I don't know.) (This info may be suspect.)
  8. You captured the mentality perfectly, all the way down to the accent.
  9. And it's been answered: Fed Ex and cash.
  10. The midget? That's Roman Polnaski.
  11. In today's climate you have to be careful saying anything that's even remotely critical of CS--he's black, you know.
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