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The Marsellus Wallace

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Everything posted by The Marsellus Wallace

  1. Do they archive any of these so that you can listen on demand? I didn't see anything on the website.
  2. Time heals a lot of wounds. Remember John Huston's metaphor in "Chinatown," "Of course I'm respectable; I'm old. Politicians, ugly buildings, and whores all get respectable if they last long enough."
  3. Anybody remember the dick who dropped that int?
  4. Hell measles was essentially eradicated in this country but is making a comeback because of stupid people. I assume you're basing that assertion on the statistics coming out of Brazos County.
  5. Like a good friend of mine says about TV news, weather, and sports women, "Give us some babes. If I wanted to see ugly people, I'd go to WalMart."
  6. Vidor and colliestation have more in common than a lot of people think.
  7. Don't see too many articles like this about Joe Mixon and Baker Mayfield. See where I'm going with this?
  8. On-the-fucking-money.
  9. Apparently reasonable assumptions: (1) Nobody wants these damn things. (2) The capital outlay for materials and installation would be substantial. (3) The projected gameday experience and revenues will, within a suitably short period of time, recoup their cost. (4) No effective vaccine and/or therapeutic treatment(s) will be developed within a time frame vis-a-vis their cost that will render these things obsolete. Ergo, the thinking would have to be that this COVID crap, or something like it, will be with us for a long time, making mechanisms like these both necessary and economically defensible. If so, help me, Jesus. I give this idea about a 1% chance of becoming a reality.
  10. I didn't know that was ever in question.
  11. He ain't come to play school.
  12. It's like the "Free Beer Tomorrow" sign at Joe's Crab Shack.
  13. An aggy is in bed with a hooker making small talk before hooking up. The hooker asks him how many sexual partners he's had. The aggy begins to count and soon he falls asleep.
  14. Not a grammar Nazi, merely a good-natured gibe at the both of us--'cause I'm right there with you on the age train.
  15. Should that be, "Even I wasn't alive when aggy won their last MNC?"
  16. Can you say "linebackers?" I knew you could.
  17. Not after COVID.
  18. In the fifth, my ass goes down.
  19. Well, as of this afternoon that's two targets we missed on. Is this class going to be worth a shit? Honest question.
  20. I haven't seen discussed. Assuming the games take place and fans are allowed, will the stadiums be full? I expect there to be a good number of season ticket holders (and others), a lot of which are 60+, who will just watch the game on TV out of fear of exposure. However, even if the stadium's 60% full, people will naturally crowd to the better yard-line seats so de facto social distancing still won't work.
  21. aggy will say tu photoshopped it.
  22. We can't afford fucking Title XIX anymore.
  23. I stand in awe. Well done.
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