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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by jTower

  1. What an abomination. Clrearly that field needs to be moved 27 inches to the right.
  2. Wouldn’t the dancers be visible from the super secret squirrel club behind the north scoreboard?
  3. So CDC can cancel the subscription to BOD delivery service?
  4. McElroy was discussing Sark and how he expected Texas to control instate recruiting, despite aggy in the secsecsec. He also mentioned that aggy does try to use this to their advantage with the sec logo being larger that the atm logo on their recruiting paraphernalia.
  5. This album does double duty: I love that sangria wine when I'm drinkin' with old friends of mine https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjt8oi5vojuAhXMQs0KHbq6CaYQwqsBMAB6BAgCEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DDT6BzKftZkE&usg=AOvVaw0x_WlaveE7kYbOlCwJ_cPh
  6. Faster. Don't have fluid button in customizer, but site looks good and works well. Thanks
  7. Don't agree regardless of ranking system
  8. So will there or won’t there be 63-56 cups? Asking for a friend.
  9. jTower

    New Site Motto

    We'll figure it out when we get in there.
  10. The vast majority of deaths (not all) were in individuals with such significant co-morbidities that their mortality risk was extremely high without COVID. Deaths seen in patients with terminal cancer or on hospice contributed to those numbers. Probably not many college student-athletes or even student-non athletes have that level of preexisting health burden. It’s not the number who test positive, it’s the number that get sick, particularly those that require hospitalization and drain healthcare resources.
  11. The base on the left is lower for the LHN studio.
  12. The Big 12′s call could have headed a similar direction without Ackerman’s perspective. If it had, any semblance of a 2020 fall season would have been dead. Ackerman won’t be attending games in Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium or Bryant-Denny Stadium anytime soon. But if there are any games played inside those stadiums this fall, he’ll be one of the reasons why. https://www.al.com/alabamafootball/2020/08/how-a-cardiologist-may-have-saved-the-college-football-season.html
  13. Army, Texas A&M develop 'Terminator'-style material that can 'heal itself' Never change aggy. I’ll look forward RD’s detail debunking and a financial analysis of the wasted expense suffered by the taxpayers of Texas
  14. Camera is back on line and bleachers are completed
  15. So aggy will have new “friends in Austin” since Bjork won’t schedule Texas?
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