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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by butthurt

  1. Excellent interview. Heard someone on orangebloods was talking shit about knowing the whole story, but your interview makes it very difficult to believe you're in any way in the wrong.
  2. Look snail, back off, you're just mashimg it now.
  3. People who drive their golf carts on the road.
  4. Rita was annoying, slept through Humberto, Ike was a pain, Harvey fucking sucked. If I never have to deal with another hurricane/tropical storm, I think I'll be good.
  5. What's the backstory behind tites?
  6. Agreed, although I would tweak it and the feel after a fresh claybar and wax.
  7. butthurt

    ou sucks...

    It's 8:55 and ou sucks.
  8. I went deer hunting for the first time at the end of last year and got a spike and small six point with one shot. The bullet went through the spike and hit the six point in the neck. Dropped both where they stood. I'm hooked.
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