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  1. It seems we're finding out that immunity is fairly short lived. It's been suggested before and I read a couple articles this weekend that suggest immunity for asymptomatic cases is 2-3 weeks, and 2-3 months for symptomatic cases.
  2. Yeah somebody misrepresenting what happened is pretty low hanging fruit. Surprised there weren't odds on this already posted.
  3. Wait. That's actually good news, isn't it? If the new cases have leveled off wouldn't that be the leading indicator that the lockdown is having an effect?
  4. These media appearances are gonna give a lot of laughs to future americans. Imagine 100 years from now learning about how presidents addressed the nation in times of crisis. This guy is JFK-esque right? His bullshit is transparent now. It will be more so with some time
  5. For some people wearing gloves works. They end up avoiding touching their face with the gloves and using a forearm or something else instead.
  6. Yeah we need to do much better than this. Is this because there are still so few reliable tests? If so, let's stop trying to get whatever test we have to work and go all in on the test the WHO and everyone else is using. The fuck are we doing?
  7. I've seen it mentioned here that Herman is expected to keep Josh Moore if the outcome of Moore's court case allows it, but the Eyes piece above expects him back. Is that where we are now? Confident he'll play next year? Sorry if I missed something.
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