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John Lawrence

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Everything posted by John Lawrence

  1. Yeah. That’s the worst thing about it.
  2. Glad the feds are looking at it. Hope it isn’t a lynching. Doubt either were.
  3. When was the last substantiated lynching in a tree of a black man in the United States?
  4. When was the last black man hung from a tree, murdered Lynch style in the United States?
  5. Not start race baiting bullshit that is completely unsubstantiated. Fuck you. You’re a fucking asshole. And if this board was at all fair you’d lose about 1000 rep point for this crap.
  6. Damn right he is. He’s pissed.
  7. Fuck off. You’re wrong. Shut the fuck up and leave in shame.
  8. Get back in here you pussy.
  9. Fuck right off @Hugo Stiglitz
  10. Fuck right off Pancho.
  11. Common sense and rational thought ruins most of the shit you post. That’s on you.
  12. Fuck off. You’re trying to do some bullshit that isn’t established. You stop posting. Until you get facts. In the event it is a lynching, I’ll be outraged too.
  13. You’re a fucking idiot. You don’t know what happened. Neither do I. Are you as confident as you were about your muh Russia conspiracy you littered Longhorn football message boards with?
  14. Yeah that doesn’t really do shit for how it happened.
  15. It said apparent suicide. Which means they will review evidence and make a final determination. It means as of right now they have no evidence of it being a murder. Like restraints, ligature marks, defensive wounds/abrasions or other signs of a struggle. It probably isn’t very easy to hang someone in a fucking tree in a major metro area in 2020 and not have some pretty obvious signs of a struggle or restraints.
  16. It’s common sense to wait and see what evidence comes out before making a conclusion. Unless you have an agenda.
  17. Glad you know so well what methods a universe of 40 million black people choose to end their lives in 2020. But I’m sure we have an active cell of the KKK or Aryan Nation operating in Shady Acres.
  18. Lynching is a serious fucking allegation. And your dumbass wants to say this is one without any evidence. Stop being such a dipshit. Can you not just wait a second? Maybe Jussie’s attackers came down here and did another lynching? But right now it’s an apparent suicide.
  19. Hubbard needs to go after his blackface prime minister on Twitter next.
  20. Charlie Strong, Shawn Watson and Vance Bedford are tan, rested and ready.
  21. And when people say “keep politics in sports” what they mean is “Keep politics I agree with in sports.”
  22. Nike, huh? That’s an ethical organization right there. I mean fuck it, child slave labor is fine so long as it adds to the bottom line.
  23. Another great post by you on this thread. Keep 'em coming.
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