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hot ham water

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  1. So did my mother-in-law She got crushed in a mining accident
  2. *unless she really puts her back into it
  3. derka's mom is doing it, so it shouldn't be that hard*
  4. in that case i'll need to reschedule my colonoscopy
  5. well we movin' on up
  6. Yessir. Yes it was.
  7. I distinctly remember @Continental Op melting some dude's acrylic sweater with a lung dart after he jumped in front of us at this show.
  8. you ain't never fucked nobody except derka, and he was asking for it
  9. Of course someone did this https://soundcloud.com/djskarface/ragethejewels 👉🤛
  10. Because it's not just about the people who are killed, but instead about systematic heavy-handed oppression of black people by police? Explain why the vast majority of people jailed in this country are people of color. I'll wait.
  11. praying for chanel
  12. There were marches, earlier. And they were largely peaceful. Tonight, its gangs of kids. They have spotters on mopeds, smash and grab, then have getaway cars. It's both white and black, and almost all seem young (under 25 for the most part). dang, mopeds, that's fucking metal
  13. should be a period, you troglodyte
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