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Everything posted by Tailleur17

  1. Lol Chris Warren was fucking awful here. He was a giant pussy his entire career. At least Kyle Porter gives a shit.
  2. He hasn’t even finished top 10 at Augusta. Let’s tap the brakes a bit.
  3. Brooks Koepka is a better golfer than Jordan Speith right now. And that’s ok.
  4. Who’s the CBS interview chick?
  5. It sounds like a wet fart every time someone holes a putt.
  6. This is exactly how DKR should look. Can not believe CDC/Fenves are fucking this up. Shitheads.
  7. Just relocated to Anchorage with the wife. 3-5 year commitment. Beautiful scenery. Any surls in the area?
  8. He was slow af, ran straight up, and couldn’t hit the hole his entire time at UT. If Texas Tech didn’t exist he wouldn’t have sniffed the league.
  9. Again, that looks really shitty. Just fucking leave it alone if that’s the plan. Waste of money. CDC better step the fuck up here and fix that shitty rendering.
  10. I need to learn to read more carefully. Fuck me.
  11. Just sweated my balls off standing outside for 5 min in downtown Houston. F this shit.
  12. Something is up with him. Wonder if the wife is pregnant or what.
  13. Tiger quickly playing himself out of this.
  14. That and the target date funds. Switched my 401k to Vanguard index funds once I realized the fees on those were pretty high.
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