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Everything posted by Tailleur17

  1. For real. Can LHN please stop running ads for that shit Okie casino?
  2. What did the announcer say? Smelly batting practice shorts?
  3. Wayne Graham wearing the Texas polo. Nice.
  4. My bad. Thought that was really good photoshop. Fixed!
  5. Quit fucking around let’s go
  6. Surprised he didn’t ring me up there
  7. It’ll probably be some hipster vegan bullshit instead.
  8. So was Brad Ziegler for MIA until the other day. Means absolutely nothing. Giles is the perfect 8th inning set-up man with great stuff. Too many mental issues to be a reliable closer.
  9. Yes, keep bragging about a meaningless May victory fuckboi. Houston will own your ass again in October when it matters.
  10. Lol some of you would enjoy Fahrenheit 451’s emoji-version of Moby Dick. Enjoy the ride dudes. Great show.
  11. Blatant one-sided officiating.
  12. Maybe he just needs glasses?
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