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stone oak

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Posts posted by stone oak

  1. 56 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    This is from the 26th. 

    In Tennessee, a total of 9,667 people have tested positive for COVID-19, 181 people have died, 828 people have been hospitalized and 4,527 people have recovered from the virus, according to the Tennessee Department of Health.

    I meant from the same delta T as the largest case jump that they've seen. Curious if it could just be increased testing that is causing more confirmed cases.

  2. 3 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    So if we do it right we can be the ONLY UT? 

    Tennessee reported its highest one-day jump in coronavirus cases as the state prepares to reopen limited dine-in service at restaurants in some parts of the state. 

    Tennessee’s health department reported 9,667 confirmed COVID-19 cases on Sunday. 

    The updated total is a 478 jump in new cases, a 5.2 percent increase from Saturday’s total, and marks the highest single-day increase so far in the state, the Tennessean reports. 



    How many deaths were reported?

  3. 6 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

    West Texas is getting hammered.   Over the weekend there were 200 more diagnosed cases in/near Amarillo.  Moore County, population of about 20,000 went from 180 cases Friday to 250+.   Potter County had 105 more cases; 326 today (and this is really as of yesterday) Vs. 221 Friday.

    The counties around Amarillo have a combined population similar to Galveston or Brazoria Counties and 200-300 more cases.  Deaths out there are also outpacing both of those counties as well.

    Remember that feed lot in Hereford that I mentioned weeks ago as a worrisome thing?  It's not just the packing plants closing, it's getting the animals from thd feed lots and transport hubs.  Welcome to shortages.


    Potter County: 6 deaths

    Moore County: 3 deaths


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  4. 6 hours ago, blacklab said:

    jesus fucking christ.

    the only thing worse about the politics in this thread is the people complaining they can't talk about politics.

    ban hammer is coming out and I'm about to start swinging it like a tard with a baseball bat.

    This thread is for news and current events. 

    No one gives a shit about your opinions of who is at fault or what you think someone should have done.

    There are threads to discuss politics, and if you want to discuss the moderation of this thread feel free to start a thread about it in the appropriate forum.



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  5. 4 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    We are already there. The CDC numbers just aren't up-to-date (as they themselves admit*). Other sources are all past 50k.




    *"Data during recent weeks are incomplete because of the lag in time between when the death occurred and when the death certificate is completed, submitted to NCHS and processed for reporting purposes."

    Fair enough. Does the IHME model only use CDC data?

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