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stone oak

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Everything posted by stone oak

  1. @Lobo hearing anything about potential replacements for Fenves?
  2. Imagine the poor souls that went 100% cash when S&P was <2300. Yikes.
  3. Strong butthurt for a SWT alumnus
  4. Taxable, but no worries you can just write it off
  5. Was posting it more to make fun of people wearing t shirts wrapped around their heads at HEB. It really doesn't do much other than you don't touch your face.
  6. Meh, didn’t really see any severe stuff in SA. Front moved through pretty quickly earlier.
  7. Reminder https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/16/us-airlines-seek-more-than-50-billion-in-aid-as-coronavirus-roils-business.html
  8. I know it's all bullshit, but WTI is up 12% today
  9. That rig still drilling on the pad(s) behind there?
  10. Do you even Lake Nastywater bro
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