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stone oak

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Everything posted by stone oak

  1. S&P 500 quietly approaching -5% intraday VIX +5%
  2. https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us70008jr5/executive
  3. No worries, it's already priced in.
  4. Fed already pumping this AM. Wonder what their target is for today, they should just announce it at the opening bell.
  5. Just found out guy at my work (I work in a very small office) is home sick today with high fever and dry cough. No mention of them sending us home. RIP to me.
  6. /Simone Getting word from my nurse chick that this morning they are starting to see a large influx of COVID patients at the hospital she works at here in San Antonio.
  7. S&P seems to really like bad news these days....
  8. RIP all my puts. Thanks a lot Fed.
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