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stone oak

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Everything posted by stone oak

  1. https://www.sacurrent.com/the-daily/archives/2020/03/23/san-antonio-shelter-in-place-order-is-imminent-as-city-experiences-its-first-coronavirus-related-death I have been hearing the same from nurses and doctors I know as well. /Simone
  2. Bexar County expected to announce shelter-in-place order this afternoon/evening. #ballgame
  3. FED is pumping again...
  4. Yeah not getting the hate for small town Texas people. Talk about stereotyping.
  5. Zoom up 48% over the last week...lololololol
  6. Uh oh...wonder if we hit the first circuit breaker today
  7. Yeah having not so much fun with the #stonks this AM. Oh well, fun to learn anyway. Better than just watching other accounts die a slow, painful death. It'll be interesting how the markets react to the stimulus announcement...
  8. Haha futures red after all that
  9. Loading up on some SPY puts at open....might as well be gambling in Vegas but this shit is addicting.
  10. Even with the fed pumping, futures still only +1.1%
  11. There are a ton of people still going to work everyday, including myself. I don’t have a choice.
  12. S&P 500 closes at 2294. Dow at 19173. Monday should be fun.
  13. Fed has left the chat. 2300 broken.
  14. Friday Fed pump in process
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