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stone oak

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Everything posted by stone oak

  1. @Wally Fairway are you thinking another dead cat bounce tmr? Should I wait to buy more SPY puts until then or pull the trigger now?
  2. fucked up the link there https://finance.yahoo.com/news/oil-prices-could-fall-below-152446634.html
  3. Unnerving. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/wpx-energy-cuts-spending-400m-143402418.html Oil prices could fall below zero: Analyst
  4. Wally posted this a couple of days ago and it's perfect.
  5. Yeah we are at a pretty shitty spot in the industry these days. As soon as I get the call that she's negative, I'm probably going to cancel my PTO and get my ass into the office. For the last 2 weeks, I've done nothing but go straight to work and straight home after. Luckily, it's a really small shop <10 people and I have my own office so I can keep people at somewhat of a distance. I'm much more worried about the olds than myself at work though.
  6. Yeah I'm taking PTO this week. My office here refused to shut down (O&G) and I can't work from home well without a huge workstation. That makes me feel better re: allergies.
  7. Update: Nurse still hasn't gotten her test results back. I'm in SA and the fucking allergies here are killing me. No cough/fever, but sore throat and my eyes are on fire today...Anyone else?
  8. I’m still trying to figure out how he came from the same gene pool as his brother.
  9. Can always count on 1604 being fucked up somewhere, even in the apocalypse.
  10. Nurse I am dating here at SA Methodist is getting tested for CV after one of her patients tested positive. Guess I'm fucked, see you guys on the other side.
  11. This should be a fun close...remember no circuit breakers in last 30 min
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