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stone oak

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Everything posted by stone oak

  1. I'm really not trying to be a dick and I understand the current trends, but their death total is an order of magnitude greater than most states...
  2. Fair enough. I'm not buying that NY has done much better. I think it could be simply a timing/immunity/mutation issue, but who knows. Texas and many other states in the south shut down too early, and then reopened too early. That we can agree on. Also, people that don't wear masks in public are assholes. Don't lump me in with that crowd.
  3. Guarantee we have several Brads and Karens on this very website doing the exact same thing. Rules don't apply to them, but virtue signaling is their specialty.
  4. Reported. Inexcusable to use that pejorative language in 2020.
  5. You're really bad at this, aren't you? https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/texas/
  6. LOL at anyone thinking the state of NY did a great job. Forcing thousands of olds into nursing homes to die. Fantastic work!
  7. they should consult aggy for counsel on their "100 year decision"
  8. Or just keep moving the goalposts as needed, which has been done many times on this thread since March by both sides.
  9. Zero reason for your office to be open at all then. If you're going to bitch about people coming in sick, close the office dude.
  10. I give you an F for forcing people to come to work when they are sick. You are part of the problem.
  11. Just FYI, you are just as liable for having them come in to the office in the first place. No one is trying to kill off the olds, we are trying not to lose our jobs. Close your fucking office if you have a problem.
  12. “But it’s a dry heat!”
  13. You’re a fucking clown 🤡
  14. Lmao at Karbach Brewing being so visible. Ugly ass stadium by the way. Truly hideous inside and out. A much uglier MMP.
  15. username checks out
  16. I still cannot believe he was crowdfunded by shaggy posters before. That guy is insane.
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