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Wulaw Horn

Burnt Ends
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Wulaw Horn last won the day on September 11 2021

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  1. I had a Sunday school group where like 8 of the 10 couples bought a house over a 5 year period. I did none of their loans. The teacher was my wife’s doctor. She stopped going to him once we joined that class. Some things aren’t super comfortable being mixed in some relationships. Cool for you on that!
  2. As a mortgage guy I have no problem with it. I know all your finances if you do a mortgage with me and that can be awkward for a friend. I imagine the argument is somewhat the same for an agent. That's actually sort of dumb b/c everyone knows what you bought or sold your house for (more or less) without knowing your financial stance, but that's a distinction not many probably make.
  3. Episode 90 of breathing orange fire is up. We talk about nothing at the beginning to mirror the nothing going on in Astros World right now and then talk hall of fame class. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1aJ6i5oeWh6FDGd0QkkZON?si=aoTEGrfiS-m_CgQ1S6_5UQ
  4. Yep. Also they will count every shift you pick up as a separate job probably…
  5. Not sure if this is our best game if the year but it’s by far the best I’ve seen us look. LSU must suck. I think we are going 9-9 and getting a 7 or 8 seed btw- after the last 3 or 4 games that’s been my feel.
  6. Depends on when we are talking about them. I don’t think Roseanne would have ever been a would for me. Rosie O at one point could have gotten it.
  7. They overstated by double and that’s after they revised downward 2X. Its absurd. I have no idea why you persist in talking about my post about the mbs market since inauguration. As should have been obvious when I started the sentence with incredibly small sample size and then further obvious when I had a follow up post saying I wasn’t making any definitive statement other than Mr marching band isn’t even a half wit and should probably let the grown ups talk, it’s odd that you are making substantive long cat posts responding back to me mocking Mr matching band- after Phil also slightly more delicately told him he was a window licking moron with his post as well.
  8. Yeah- I wasn’t spiking any football dude. “Incredibly small sample size” was literally the lead in my sentence. The main point was it was irrelevant. The other point was it was incredibly fucking dumb and he doesn’t even know that mbs up means rate down, nor did he understand that the post he quoted was literally talking about what rates did last year and how last years job numbers being wrong- which I have been posting about on here for 24 months, while mocked by many, only to be proven over and over and over again conclusively to be right- made rates too high for months now. inflation might spike again. I don’t think it will. Someone will be right and someone will be wrong as it is anytime you are lining up bets about a future event, but that’s entirely different than what that was.
  9. If that accurate fuck him. I’m not going to boo him or anything but that’s pretty bitch made and shows he doesn’t really want to be here. Which cool- he didn’t choose to come here in the first place so can’t blame him in that regard, but whatever.
  10. Yep. Also- mbs market is up since inauguration which means rates are down. Incredibly small sample size but uh, yeah not only was that response totally and completely irrelevant to what was being talked about but it was also factually wrong, so… yeah!
  11. I meant the lack of walks. But yeah, he's basically hitting in front of guys that they fear more than him (that's some of the reason) so he's not going to walk as they go right after him.
  12. Thank you for everyone here who let me help them last year. I truly appreciate it.
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