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Wulaw Horn

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Wulaw Horn

  1. Jake! I’ve been told he’s maybe good enough to be a 5th OF. We shouldn’t count his hostels only his cold ones. And the glove work doesn’t count. But the arm does. Totally makes sense. Kids pitched really well to have thrown 70 pitches in 3 innings and given up two runs. OT’s of trash contact gone against him.
  2. Personally believe he’s been hurt all year. Hamstrings hang around forever and dog you. It might be that he’s too fat though. Too much banana pudding.
  3. He’s walking on a treadmill. Maybe running. Maybe a light jog. But definitely a treadmill. Hope for on field activities this weekend.
  4. And Whitley. But he’s on a rehab assignment. Which is funny to me because he’s in AAA so who gives a fuck if he comes back and gets rocked in AAA or A ball.
  5. I've got a 3 team division winner parley- Astros, Royals, Orioles- $10 to win $669. I've got an Astros win the World Series and Longhorns win the National Championship in football bet for $20.00 to win $5,040.00. I fully expect to be cashing both tickets.
  6. Sure. Or have some really funky pitch tunneling where they just absolutely can't differentiate between fastball and breaking pitch b/c it comes down the same chute. It was interesting to hear him talk about it. He's read and studied a lot of analytics and didn't watch bull durham where Costner explained strike outs are fascist. No pitch to contact for him. "Bad things happen with contact" or something like that.
  7. He actually says his goal is to strike out every hitter- so that could be some measure of why he appears to have command problems at times. He's trying to spin the ball a ton and he's trying to keep it out of the strike zone and get swing and misses. Very LMJ like in that approach- he did similar.
  8. his stuff is fine- he's striking out 10 per 9 and gets swing and misses. His command is a problem most days. He's always been a slow starter at each new level he's played at and he's been better recently than he was before. I think he can be a MOR guy if he maximizes.
  9. 167 feet travelled with a 59 degree launch angle. Sure it was thrilling.
  10. That would definitely be the idea. If the Astros sell it makes too much sense not to see that happen. Matches up perfectly.
  11. Presley has a 2.4 fip and a 5 era b/c his xba is 220 and in actuality it's 420 against him for the year. Huge post season numbers- veteran presence blah blah blah. Framber should have been the WS MVP in 2022, he sucked in 23 playoffs but was probably hurt- he's got plenty enough left in the tank to get another 1.5 years out of him- I wouldn't personally extend him which is why I would trade him. Montero is meh. He's a guy that you are fine to have in your bullpen pitch the 5th or 6th inning in a regular season game or 7th - 9th if you are up or down 3, but yeah- he's a dude. That's why we'd have to give you a bunch of money. Maybe you don't want them all together like that- maybe you don't need all that- but Framber is worth a top 50 and top 100 this year at the deadline if you have him for 2 post seasons, Presley is probably worth a top 100 and would be the best bullpen arm on the market (unless the A's trade their guy) and Montero- if the Astros paid half his salary would be one of the best mid/low leverage guys on the market as well. Yall got plenty of dudes and they are all blocked- I don't know how many arms you want though- or how much control you want them for. I miss and love Elias and Sig. So jealous of yall. It's going to be a fun decade for yall.
  12. striking out, throwing the ball into the OF, not blocking a pitch in the dirt? What did I miss?
  13. THIS IS SO STUPID. He has a 305 babip for the year- there's nothing unsustainable about that at all-he's faster than average and the league average babip is something like right around 300. His wOBA and OPS+ are like 110 for the season. So fucking what if he had a good babip for one month and bad babip for another- yet we only talk about the good babip but not the bad one and we only throw out the good stretches but not the bad ones for reasons? Guys that put up 3+ WAR seasons (which is what his prorated numbers are every year he wasn't hurt) aren't 5th OFers. This is why it's as bad to make a 10 year old a GM as Jeff Bagwell and Reggie Jackson.
  14. The organization keeps doing dumb things. To be fair to Brown I don't think it's really on him at all- I think his hands are tied- and the only thing he's really 100% in charge of is draft and development and that seems to be doing just fine.
  15. Ha ha no. The thing about Luhnow was- when he had it rolling the way yall have it rolling farm wise was that he never was afraid to trade out talent to get what he wanted- we had lots of good players go do good things elsewhere that were signed and developed by us. I imagine the same will happen in Baltimore. I'm dreaming of Framber and Presley to yall if we sell for a top 50, two top 100 and a lotto ticket or two. Yall could pay that price easily and it fixes your two biggest needs. We can even throw in Montero if you want him and pay some of his salary.
  16. I mean- that’s fine too. I’m engaged in a 6 week long show prep for the trade deadline if we don’t get it together in the next couple weeks. He’s a guy with 3 .5 years of club control left that should get a top 100 (ass end) type prospect and maybe a couple lotto tickets.
  17. I have said Hunter brown is a potential cy young type for 2 years. He was utter garbage in April and I thought he might need a change of scenery to fix his pitch mix and get some confidence back. He did it at the major league level good for him. So- we only count a Meyer’s bad streaks and not his good streaks is that the deal? Look at his expected stats and his BABIP for the season and you will see there is nothing flukey about his offensive stats. He’s a gold globe caliber CF (with a rag arm) which you continue to ignore- that was expected to hit 8th or 9th. You are delusional.
  18. This is so dumb I shouldn’t even be responding to this but here’s his expected stats and the rankings from the nerds. He’s a top 10 type fielder, a fine baserunner and an above average player at the plate with a specter numbers showing him also an above average (I.e. he hasn’t been flukey or anything). He’s on pace for 3+ War. If he’s hitting 8th or 9th in your lineup and playing CF every day that’s fucking awesome. He’s the Of version of Jermey Peña. Who if he’s hitting 8th or 9th in your lineup it’s also fucking awesome. The problem isn’t those guys at all/ they are elite level glove average level bats at the two most important defensive positions in baseball and on pace to combine for about 7 or 8 war over the course of the season.
  19. Interesting day to stand on this one as he has 2 doubles but sure. He has more outs above average than any player in MLb and a 700 plus ops. Dfa candidate imo.
  20. I’ve seen a lot of 8% here (4 for each agent) on land.
  21. He’s predicting the future- anyone in that business is going to be wrong a lot. He’s won a bunch of awards for being the most accurate guy out there. He didn’t have a good last 2 or 3 years. the live pricing and alert before relock and charts are worth the price financially/ even if you don’t ascribe any value to his reading of the tea leaves. I know multiple different people who know him pretty well and they all say he’s great. If he’s saying this about jobs and inflation it’s because he means it and thinks it’s right, not for any other reason. Does that make him right? No. But it was an interesting perspective.
  22. Episode 66 https://open.spotify.com/episode/60B9s8XEyRhmbGn9IS7L3P?si=JH_o-H9LRka1u-YrQRPeGw
  23. Habib went in dry on the government today. Said everything positive on the economy from the last 9 months is bullshit and they have overstated jobs by like 600k in the 4th quarter alone. Said the inflation numbers are bullshit being skewed by owners equivalent rent which is nonsense and inflation should really be considered 2.3 instead of 3.3 and the jobs situation is all bullshit pencil whipping by the government and the markets are too dumb to realize it. was interesting. he was arguing jobs and inflation was overstated so I don’t think- gun to his head he’s arguing nefarious, rather stupid.
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