My 13 year old has been telling me she’s going to attend aggy for a year.
I am ok with that.
1) she’s definitely not my favorite and kind of irritating. So, she can just continue to irritate me into perpetuity when she does all that weird aggy shit
2) I no longer have to pay any attention to what she’s up to in school, because she can fog a mirror so she’s definitely getting in.
3) I don’t have to worry about her graduating since if you can get in and are not a total and complete dumbass you are graduating/ so I’m not likely to flush 50-80k down the drain and have her not end up with a degree on the other end
4) I want grandkids and I want to be around to see them. She will probably get married at 23 and start popping out Kyle’s and Kyler’s at 25 or 26, so even though they will be aggy I will at least know that my blood line continues on into this world.
5) I won’t have to worry about her moving outside of Texas because what the fucking odds of that happening.
Now, I’m not saying I would choose this life path for her, but I’m going to go ahead and make the best of it I guess.
it’s likely she will find someone who makes 85k a year while she teaches school or something and I won’t have to financially support her into my old age.