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Wulaw Horn

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Wulaw Horn

  1. They were pretty decent on defense relative to their talent level under him, right? Not great but ok.
  2. I have no problem with caratini. I liked the signing and I liked what I’ve seen from him so far. There’s absolutely nothing in the numbers that suggest Diaz shouldn’t ever be allowed to catch JV or Framber. Fuck em they don’t get to pitch like shit and dictate who they pitch to.
  3. I hate to hear that as your experience. I love my job. I love almost all my clients. I like helping them. My referral partners are pretty good people for the most part. This stuff was not how things usually go down and really not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things but it wasn't the greatest 1/2 punch ever. It was 1.2M in volume all told. Win some/lose some but yeah- what your describing sucks- have you thought about why that's happening? Are you working with referral partners that are assholes? Desperate people can suck for sure. Lots of people have left the business- you seem like a guy that should not leave the business with the success you've had during some pretty hard times.
  4. Terrance Brooks really chose poorly on this one- huh?
  5. New episode of breathing orange fire. We talk about the last week and the next 3 to come.
  6. Those are the underlying things I was talking about. Yordans expected slug is like 200 points higher than his actual slug.
  7. I guess. I don’t mean that we are friends or anything in that sense of the word, but yeah, you are completely right for some. it’s a great gig and I’ve actually formed real relationships with some of my borrowers and a bunch of advisor client relationships.
  8. He was always walking too many and striking out not enough. It’s just now starting to catch up with him.
  9. Thanks. If ever there was a time to get fired twice in the span of 2 days it was this time for sure. It’s just startling to me that someone would go ingrate over $10 a month in a 9 month relationship and that the other person would throw away certainty to close.
  10. His actual era is just fine. The underlying peripherals are shit and would expect the era to go much higher quicker.
  11. Just got fired twice in the last 2 business days. one a guy I’d worked with on a new build (so I was expecting fuckery) for about 9 months- got the credit up- for him qualified when they couldn’t blah blah blah, and he left over $10 a month. the other guy that just fired me was turned down a couple different places until I got him approved (had a lender make 2 exceptions about some difficult stuff while we were shopping and that got his debt ratio down to 49.8) because he got offered 1/4 of a point better. Now- his wife was on the job self employed 18 months and they are a super slam dunk easy loan once they file taxes in 25 and I told him I’d pay all his fees and refinance him for free at my cheapest lender at that time. $924.00 on his timeline is what it will cost him. I never get fired. I was on my way to the biggest month I’d had since early 2022 so it’s not that big a deal (the other 10 people I’ve got locked for May haven’t fired me yet!) I’m sitting here with a bemused smile on my face. Question for the board (if this guy who’s been turned down multiple times comes back should I close him?
  12. Tampa always has good bullpens. Something in the water.
  13. Based upon what? Never played at Bama? They made no effort to retain? Too slow for the position? Bad instincts? Maybe fat?
  14. And Altuve with the warning track fly ball last out. Thought it might have a chance. I hate everything again.
  15. We have the human K machine Joey Loperfido sporting a 45.5% K rate. It didn’t get better. I like Loperfido and think he will get the K rate down, but that won’t be an improvement from Abreu.
  16. I love Bobby. He’s great people. I sponsored his you tube show for 6 months. He’s a prince of a guy. there’s also this: he’s a giant gaping flaming vagina when he talks about UT and is the most conservative dude ever. Before this year he was like- I love talent level here I think Texas can go 10-2 if everything breaks right. They might have as many as 7 or 8 draft picks on the roster if guys go early and stuff. I was like Bobby/ we’ve got a minimum of 8 or 9 draft kids- if guys go pro we’ve got 12-15 (this was before the year and we both thought Barron, Collins and Ewers would leave so it would have been 14) and 10-2 is a floor not a ceiling if this team plays well. read that asinine statement you quoted in your Bobby translator as him saying- if we land a disruptive war daddy tackle we won’t have any holes and will be the odds on favorite to rampage through the playoffs and shit all over the big 10 and SEC, while winning the national title by acclimation, and you will have the sense of what he’s saying. in other words- read the context and don’t be a literalist dude.
  17. Can you not go into the local office and get in person?
  18. Anyone got a stat cast on that 2 run Hr for X/30 ballparks where it’s a HR?
  19. My son is going to watch training films to learn how to score with your daughter.
  20. You aren’t paying attention if you think this year is going to be a last chance or special compared to those in the future. We are going to have like 15 guys get drafted and be better in 25 than 24. If you don’t do stupid shit you will be in the playoffs like 3/4 years on this trajectory
  21. He needs to go to AAA or west palm beach with Abreu to unfuck himself. He’s no use to the MlB club in any role like this.
  22. Or W 2 transcripts. Or zero paid balance or some such. I don’t know what any of those things are but they’ve both been brought up by my ops manager lately as a reason why UW doesn’t have us clear to close.
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