As long as we're posting band practice... Casey came in with a good one last night. Kinda how we work with a fresh song of his - He shows it to us, we watch till we can kinda follow along, I record a take, then we move on to whatever else we have to work on and come back to it next practice once everybody's had a little time alone with it. This is that 1st take, a tiny baby. This will be a banger once we get a proper arrangement and bass line to it - Im stoked on it. I've already rearranged it to get closer to 2 minutes - I like this one too much to be done w it in 1:20. Our singer missed last night, so Casey got to do it himself. Most of Casey's songs, this one included, are kinda country songs he writes on his little Martin at home, then we punk rock them up in the tiny room. Our stuff that you can't find a county groove in is typically stuff that came about more collaboratively from us just jamming in the tiny room. We have a few of those on deck as well. Scary Why don't you tell them who your are. Scared they'll know who you are. Never stop being who you are, you're scary that's who you are. Scary. Devil said stop being who you are, too scary is who you are. Scary. I've always been scared of you. You've always been afraid of you.