I mistakenly texted everybody what we made on Sunday. I hung out with Jessica and Jessica that evening cause Garrick had to fly home. I rounded up to the nearest $5 when I paid them. I go down into the bar after work yesterday and Sinjin's there with his girlfriend (who's a sweethheart, btw), said he'd come to "scoop up" that money. I came upstairs and counted it out to the penny for him, only regretting that I had told him what we made - I should have divided it so that those who loaded gear in and out got a bigger cut. Oh well, its not like anybody got rich. He's still all excited from the show and telling me he has a drummer he wants me to meet. I wasn't in the place to tell him. I just said we need to talk about it. Like I said, he's a friend. He's just a shitty bandmate.
Here he is leading the mosh pit and high fiving me on stage at the Koffs 1st show. I watched a few of these this morning. God, i love everything about being in this band. When we finally got paid for this one, the owner said that our show was the best night he's had all summer business-wise.