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  1. OilChuck

    The Boys

  2. I suck at embedding
  3. https://youtu.be/P_zkOGsFTzw
  4. I tried running in it last week, it was like running after smoking a pack.
  5. Denver has been miserable the past month with all the fires going on in the state. The snow yesterday and today will hopefully knock down some of the smoke.
  6. I have my road bike on a trainer in my basement as the fires in Colorado have made going outside horrible. Added a cadence sensor and Ipad mount. I use the app and can say the workouts are awesome, even if they don't have the competition aspect of it and it only cost ~$10/month although it is not the same as riding on a spin bike.
  7. Been quiet in here, Schlumberger gets out of US frac https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2020/09/01/business/01reuters-schlumberger-divestiture-liberty-oilfield.html
  8. Tonight
  9. OilChuck

    The Boys

  10. I wonder if they are going to keep the Colorado assets?
  11. OilChuck

    The Boys

  12. OilChuck

    The Boys

    Season 2 September 4th
  13. Biker Fox?
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