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Everything posted by OilChuck

  1. OilChuck

    The Boys

  2. I suck at embedding
  3. https://youtu.be/P_zkOGsFTzw
  4. I tried running in it last week, it was like running after smoking a pack.
  5. Denver has been miserable the past month with all the fires going on in the state. The snow yesterday and today will hopefully knock down some of the smoke.
  6. I have my road bike on a trainer in my basement as the fires in Colorado have made going outside horrible. Added a cadence sensor and Ipad mount. I use the app and can say the workouts are awesome, even if they don't have the competition aspect of it and it only cost ~$10/month although it is not the same as riding on a spin bike.
  7. Been quiet in here, Schlumberger gets out of US frac https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2020/09/01/business/01reuters-schlumberger-divestiture-liberty-oilfield.html
  8. Tonight
  9. OilChuck

    The Boys

  10. I wonder if they are going to keep the Colorado assets?
  11. OilChuck

    The Boys

  12. OilChuck

    The Boys

    Season 2 September 4th
  13. Biker Fox?
  14. Extraction up here in Denver filed for Bankruptcy https://finance.yahoo.com/news/extraction-oil-gas-files-bankruptcy-080637452.html
  15. Anyone have a link with the full replay or know how to watch the whole thing over, I didn’t get to watch it yesterday and forgot to record it?
  16. Well done
  17. For you Rockies guys PDC slashing budget up here by 50% and layoffs, they were one of the bigger guys in the DJ, already had over 200 DUCs from 2018/2019. https://www.bizjournals.com/denver/news/2020/04/15/pdc-energy-layoffs-spending-cuts-coronavirus.html
  18. Also fuck BoB
  19. I liked playing with the Texans on Madden this year mostly because Hops saved the team, next year will be rough.
  20. Any engineers on here successfully transition to another industry? I'm contemplating it more and more?
  21. OilChuck

    Tiger King

    Guru guy running the cult is crazy, but at least he is feeding his cats decent (At least from what it appears)
  22. They just locked us down in Denver, CO, shut down booze and weed stores on top of it
  23. My company was bought out up here in Denver end last year and I was unfortunately cut in January. Found a oilfield sales job in Denver 4 weeks ago, first time in sales after a decade of being a production/completion engineer, oil dropped after my first week, Denver went on lockdown 3rd week. Makes transitioning into sales alot harder.
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