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BehoId, The Underminer!

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BehoId, The Underminer! last won the day on October 27 2020

BehoId, The Underminer! had the most liked content!


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  1. i read someone the other day saying they hated ryan reynolds because he just stole jason lee's bit, cleaned it up and corporatized it for mass consumption. i was like "damn. that's 100% right."
  2. Ralston sucks imo. His context free comparisons against 2020 give us nothing
  3. This is the first comforting thing I’ve seen all day
  4. I was at work late in 2016 and had the needle in The corner of my computer screen. I remember that instant it flipped to Trump thinking what in god’s name is going on. 8 central-ish.
  5. yes, but what if it accidently shows up for some other reason mindy? don't you want to convince a half dozen of your friends to do the same to reduce the risk of that?
  6. re:massive turnout. It's incredible that we are going to be beating 2020 numbers. i thought everyone was salivating and couldn't wait to vote (because i chat with y'all, and we are all tweaked out about this stuff all the time). but i wonder if any of this bump is attributable to a lag and this is residual firing up that couldn't be tapped last time because it takes people that are less tweaked out a little longer to put it in action.
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