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BehoId, The Underminer!

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Everything posted by BehoId, The Underminer!

  1. If there’s one thing I always think when viewing Kamalas rocket of a campaign, it’s “Hillary sure deserves the praise for this.”
  2. “The man enslaved by wealth can never be honest” ” the quote means that a person who is controlled by their desire for wealth will never be truly honest, as their actions and values are driven by greed rather than integrity.” ” the explanation means that the above quote is discussing somebody that is controlled by money, and the belief that money ends up being their driving force instead of honesty or other good values” ” this illustration is provided to explain that the quote is directed towards people whose motivations are primarily in material goods, as opposed to a moral center directed towards betterment.”
  3. He’s going to announce withdrawal at the Ambassador Hotel.
  4. Luka isn't the immigrant they're talking about.
  5. (no argument on the sequel trilogy casting, but they were so dull in general that i'm not sure anyone could add anything to them)
  6. lol. I believe this is the second time you’ve wanted to show off that you’re keeping a naughty list. Look, I’ll chant Best Since FDR a few times.
  7. The democrats are, "a threat to democracy?" https://perchance.org/random-punctuation-sign-generator
  8. i understand that nothing on this site should be taken seriously, but even with that caveat, it's a bit of a head scratcher.
  9. Yeah, everyone reports PA as the most likely tipping point state, and I think that is right. If it goes Kamala, she'll have plenty of votes. If not, the shifts in the other states seem to unlikely to give her the win.
  10. blatant lies about someone that is 50,000,000 americans favorite person is a very very good idea. difficult to beat talking crowd size smack against MLK last week, but this just might do it. next?
  11. I post something on FB. I don’t want to dox myself so I won’t say it exactly, but it is very very mild political comment, which is definitely a first for me. Up to now I’ve been strict 0 politics on FB. The comment though is about discouraging certain negativity from entering politics, and aimed at no side in particular, at least not explicitly.* it was so mild that I get the ol’ “like” from everyone across the political spectrum, 100% certain trump voters included. My sister has the temerity to tell me not to post politics. Some of her previous posts: Again, the situation is as my previous quoted post. It would be very easy to post those images in response to her telling me to keep politics off Facebook. That would only fracture our relationship. The onus is ALWAYS on the other side to be the bigger man in a MAGA v reality dispute. It just makes me not respect her. It’s sad. I know she’s left self awareness behind. I know she’s so fragile that my innocuous comment got her riled up. I question her intelligence. I know that’s there is 0.0% chance that she’d see her previous posts and think “oops, I was out of line and wrong.” *I’ll admit that my initial comment was not 100% innocent. The topic was aimed at bad behavior that the right does more of than the left. And their increasing reliance on that tactic spurred me to post it.
  12. I got to see some Communism! posts on FB on an angle I’ve not seen before. Kamala is coming to take our patents!
  13. Is there some internet challenge of sneaking the word demure into everything now?
  14. Just watched Mission Impossible 3 miss. Almost Famous is one of my favorite movies which makes me predisposed to like Billy Crudup. But I realized I don’t really like him in any other role he’s played. This one did him no favors because his makeup was really bad too.
  15. What daylight do you see between what she's talking about and price controls? It's not like we're the only ones that say it looks like that. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/08/15/kamala-harris-price-gouging-groceries/ https://time.com/7011214/kamala-harris-campaign-federal-ban-price-gouging-food-groceries-inflation/
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