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BehoId, The Underminer!

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Everything posted by BehoId, The Underminer!

  1. Just watched Mission Impossible 3 miss. Almost Famous is one of my favorite movies which makes me predisposed to like Billy Crudup. But I realized I don’t really like him in any other role he’s played. This one did him no favors because his makeup was really bad too.
  2. What daylight do you see between what she's talking about and price controls? It's not like we're the only ones that say it looks like that. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/08/15/kamala-harris-price-gouging-groceries/ https://time.com/7011214/kamala-harris-campaign-federal-ban-price-gouging-food-groceries-inflation/
  3. i still do, but i used to too. -- mitch
  4. Joe is bad, but he is good because he hates others that are bad, but he is bad because he hates me, but he is good because he was ripped off so actually it is Kamala who is bad.
  5. I’m basically non-ideological on everything. The facts on the ground are what matter and you should always decide based on that. This is one where I’d want to see whatever analysis they’ve done to say this is one of the situations where controls work out. Austin doesn’t feel very monopolistic in grocery. Small towns would more I’m sure, just like they’d seem that way for every type of business.
  6. My biggest beef with Dotard. He’s made voting for one side so repugnant that you have to vote for the other side regardless of policy. Now we’ve gotta act excited about price controls.
  7. I thought you said the language was NSFW
  8. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020-poll-errors/2021/07/18/8d6a9838-e7df-11eb-ba5d-55d3b5ffcaf1_story.html
  9. Everyone said it was the worst error in 40 years. They got it "right" but it was supposed to be a cakewalk for Biden. All of the MN, WI, MI states were something like D+7. Stuff like that. https://news.vanderbilt.edu/2021/07/19/pre-election-polls-in-2020-had-the-largest-errors-in-40-years/
  10. Trying to find hopeful information that polling is more accurate this year. Axios points out that the very fact that Trump was leading in so many of the polls up to now might be evidence of that. https://www.axios.com/2024/06/15/2024-election-polls-trump-biden
  11. Taking WaPo's scenario, Kamala needs to move MI one to the left. That gets her exactly 270. She's at 255 without it. https://wapo.st/3yAFIYa
  12. An entire alumni base that’s quite literally retarded.
  13. Ha ha! Yes! It is definitely lame to spend all day on male dominated online spaces!
  14. not voting for trump as way to make sure harris loses is galaxy brained.
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