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BehoId, The Underminer!

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Everything posted by BehoId, The Underminer!

  1. yeah, it'll be a layup for her. catching liars lie in real time is very much a prosecutor's job description.
  2. yes, but very much also no. trump's only viability he's ever had is through sucking up all the oxygen.
  3. My numbers are sagging, people. We need fresh ideas! Two words, boss: Insult. MLK.
  4. If you’re voting for Trump, there’s a good chance you’re into misogyny. I think that explains the delta
  5. It's also whataboutism. Just say, "He served. He served honorably. When he was done, he moved on to serving his country in other ways. These are the attacks of people that look for ways to insult the military." Pairs with the 'weird' thing.
  6. They are saying nothing out of curiosity, I assure you.
  7. what if ticket juking becomes the wave of the future. with hillary et al, you have decades of messaging making people hate you. can't overcome that. harris/walz, nobody knows until a few months out. media saturation of national campaign dollars is able to define you in the short time span, can't counterprogram that in the same time frame. sort of a plaintiff advantage in litigation of defining the case that is lost when you stretch things over a year.
  8. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/07/opinion/tim-walz-prairie-populist.html?unlocked_article_code=1.BE4.xDtG.GUDl9CO73ra8&smid=url-share Democrats Have Needed Someone Like Tim Walz for Decades
  9. point of order: MN'a new flag is a powerpoint designed abomination
  10. not great. biden was running well in front of these numbers. just gotta hope that whatever was fucked back then doesn't repeat.
  11. I doubt he tweeted that on Aug 60th though.
  12. no, the parenthesis is the delta from last one
  13. Get William Devane out of retirement.
  14. I think pressing suburbia again is the biggest opportunity this election. Those are battles that can be won and this guy looks like he helps there. At Some level blue collar is just too hard to win.
  15. That top pic is kind of funny to us, but watching the Olympics with my wife has taught me thing: women loves smiley stories.
  16. Yale grad Head of CIA Ambassador to UN Pilot President in phone speak. Congressman, VP, whatever else. But then again he opposed Bart Simpson, so who knows.
  17. Yes that one. We don’t need to message board so hard we pretend take Yale grad head of cia ambassador to UN pilot President is dumb.
  18. Anschluss? Yeah, more than an undercurrent.
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