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BehoId, The Underminer!

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Everything posted by BehoId, The Underminer!

  1. Confession: I don’t believe in internal polls. They don’t have any more knowledge than we do. And there is plenty of incentive to make quality polls for public consumption.
  2. Re: that dumb fake story from the dem insider— even in the made up story Kamala has almost clenched it. It said she’s right in with 2 of the 3 blue wall states. 3 gets her to 270. They can’t even invent sad stories.
  3. I'm intrigued by NWA's takeover of Pennsylvania.
  4. since i don't have a concrete reason to change, i'll revert to my very first prediction from sixish months ago -- GA and AZ go back red, NC goes blue.
  5. 2020 was historic in the youth vote, so comparison shouldn't be a surprise. It's like saying barry bonds 2002 was definitely worse than his 2001. But this is the tenor of stuff I feel like I see a lot of: https://www.carolinajournal.com/nc-young-voter-trends-show-higher-republican-turnout-dems-down-37k/
  6. seems to be low yute participation compared to 2020 so far. expected, imo. but do we want the kids to vote, given that the olds seem to be sliding left and the trump campaign strategy is basically to get rogan bros?
  7. He had that one election suit in 2020 where he ordered the defendant to file a motion to dismiss. 🤌🤌
  8. Then they ship you a che guevara shit. edit: shit, shirt, tomato tomato.
  9. Disagree. I can't tell you how many times I've heard Texans say they'd never go to Commiefornia.
  10. Two notable exceptions are NV and AZ, both taking all of the R detritus that CA casts off.
  11. Great sort article. Wonderful for copium. Easy to conclude from this that 2020 blue states start bluer, red states start redder. When blue won in 2020, that's a good thing. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/10/30/upshot/voters-moving-polarization.html?unlocked_article_code=1.WU4.cuoO.NxBtf07ZKFSG&smid=url-share
  12. i remember his big alzheimers grin next to trump getting some medal or something last time.
  13. this thread is coke/lithium/coke/valium/coke/morphine/coke. we're getting killed. it's over. i can't see R's winning again before 2036.
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