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BehoId, The Underminer!

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Everything posted by BehoId, The Underminer!

  1. it's weird seeing how long politicos hold on. i'm always taken aback by photos of nixon, the bright eyed dude that lost to jfk, because we are used to seeing pictures of nixon the heavy joweled dude that won a twelve years later.
  2. it's the most likely tipping point, but yeah, it's not 100%. you can create a dozen different things like this. they're just each a little less likely than the one before.
  3. i'm convinced that stuff costs them votes. for every 26 year old bro that laughs in his 1998 silverado, there are 5 people that understand that the r party means you're white trash.
  4. Gender gap hopium in early voting across the swing states extends to more than just GA. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/10/29/gender-gap-early-voting-00186155
  5. Nate Cohn with an interesting article about turnout actually mattering this time. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/30/upshot/election-turnout-trump-harris-polls.html?unlocked_article_code=1.WE4.fMCX.byzvATpBdX5U&smid=url-share
  6. The memo they put together on the last coup depended a lot on holding those levers already. There was the part about "just declare it fraud, don't ask permission, make the D's complain and bring it to the courts, where they've already said its non justiciable." That requires you to be the one "declaring." D's in power make that harder. Of course, they are brainstorming that stuff all the time, but my bet is it is much much harder when you don't hold any of the key offices.
  7. Yeah, locking down Puerto Rico's imaginary electoral votes is a step below huge.
  8. The Puerto Rico thing is double nice because it both offends huge swaths of voters and causes Trump to back down, which offends the rest of his voters.
  9. it would also be treating one poll out of 10,000 as the god poll
  10. If a 10 point shift from 2020 is detectable in KS, don't be surprised at wildly different results in 2024 from 2020 at a bunch of places.
  11. yeah, it was clear when he said something about "Puerto Ricans coming to our country" in the joke, too.
  12. Js pointed this out yesterday, but 2022 showed late polls going right. Maybe this is the same thing. Fetterman won this by 5%.
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