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BehoId, The Underminer!

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Everything posted by BehoId, The Underminer!

  1. I wish the wordlebot would score on a combination of steps and time. I feel better about a four if I get it quickly than a four I have to struggle to work out, especially when you find out there was only one word possible at the end. You should get rewarded for figuring that out quickly or penalized if it takes forever.
  2. if you won't do us that courtesy, perhaps you can just not tag me when you are posting bloody photos of dead kids.
  3. at least 200,000 russians aren't, i know that much.
  4. i just got an office-wide email saying that if anyone wants a bag of compost, they've got 'em handy up front.
  5. i'm becoming a bit sanguine about this election season. i've decided there is no such thing as information that will give any insight into the 2% margin either direction that this will end up being, so no use continually mining for it. my next six months just really opened up.
  6. I started watching it the other day. Holy crap! These guys are doing drugs?
  7. Somebody finally trying to measure the effect of crime. Says it goes D gains six points with conviction of a Georgia related crime in Georgia.
  8. good school or bad school, the private tuition is being subsidized by the state. that subsidy comes from education funds, reducing the per-head funding in public schools. there doesn't have to be a dishonest school in the state for this to result in hurting public education.
  9. this feels like one of those "let's mine asteroids because they're worth 1 quinzillion!"
  10. very surprising two dudes from utah weren't able to overthrow a government of a country of 100MM people.
  11. that's a tough one to follow, but... ... in movies and tv shows when someone is looking at himself in the mirror and i know he can't seem himself because they have to angle it to where i can see the person's face in the mirror.
  12. Also, the 42 years ago part is interesting. 1979 Revolution is just 45 years ago. So I imagine this was part of some large purge that happened after the revolution. Sure enough, wikipedia tells me of early 80s purging that includes Baha'i The 1981 massacre[edit] Between June 1981 and March 1982, the theocratic regime carried out the largest political massacre in Iranian history, targeting communists, socialists, social democrats, liberals, monarchists, moderate Islamists, and members of the Baha'i faith as part of the Iranian Cultural Revolution decreed by Khomeini on 14 June 1980 with the intent of "purifying" Iranian society of non-Islamic elements.[238] Between June 1981 and June 1982, Amnesty International documented 2,946 executions, with several thousand more killed in the next two years according to the anti-government guerilla People's Mujahedin of Iran.[239] More recently, Rastyad Collective has verified the identities of more than 3,400 political dissidents who were executed between June 1981 and March 1982.[240][241] These dissidents were sentenced to death by the Islamic Revolutionary Courts during show trials in more than eighty-five cities across the country on charges of spreading "corruption on Earth" (ifsad-fi-alarz), "espionage", "terrorism", or "enmity against Allah" (Moharebeh).[238] Most victims of the 1981 massacre were young activists aged eleven to twenty-four. These activists were either high school students or had recently graduated from universities in Iran and abroad. During the massacre, hundreds of minors were also subjected to arbitrary detention, torture, and summary executions on ideologically motivated charges of ifsad-fi-alarz and moharebeh by the revolutionary courts.[240][238][242]
  13. i fantasize about solutions like this all the time. i look at elevation lines and see if there is way to have northeast to colorado river transport
  14. Still burning 12 hours afterward? That’s probably a good sign.
  15. Really we are putting all our money on: polling systematically broken in unexplainable ways, and broken all in the same direction, and that broken direction is the opposite of the last errors when polling Trump; and/or still a long time to election. Anything that doesn’t acknowledge that is copium.
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