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BehoId, The Underminer!

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Everything posted by BehoId, The Underminer!

  1. If they are maralago level trumpers, then that’s less concerning. It’s the average joe I’m worried about.
  2. Conversations like that are power plays. They know the dynamic there is you have to kiss their ass because of business reasons. Likely know you disagree with them. They enjoy saying that stuff in front of you because the economic leverage they have.
  3. i think it is smart. biden feels to me very removed and protected. this will humanize him.
  4. No one has watched Jerry McGuire in 25 years. It was everywhere. “Show me the money!” was hip. People tried to figure out how to say Shoplift the pooty without sounding dumb. Got an Oscar and a bunch of noms. 90s movies are revered even now but that one had zero rewatchability.
  5. yeah, this seemed to me to be a reaction to the ivies. used by abbott to show that us god fearing red staters don't cotton to the crazies of the coast. hartzell happily went along.
  6. pretty prickly. not everyone uses this board for cheerleading. some just want to discuss what's going on in politics. and one of those things going on is that our president is sundowning -- and in this case, in an amusing ron burgundy-esque manner. yes, he's still better than trump. yes, we're still voting for biden. there's nothing trolling about that. no need to be so defensive.
  7. ridiculous pendulum swinging. all those ivies getting in trouble for 'allowing hate speech' on campus. hartzell isn't smart enough to figure out how to not fall into that trap short of deploying stormtroopers. just ridiculous. we need bill powers. he knew how to tell the vultures in the capitol to go fuck themselves.
  8. Standings according to my elevator this morning. Astros very VERY close to making the screen.
  9. Just reading the NYT article on what all is in the aid package. Is there no equivalent coverage from the Russia side? I'd like to read their read of it. We see those clips of the propaganda shows all the time, but nothing else? It seems to me that there would be different types of Russia consumers of news there just as there is here. Someone has to be demanding more of a realistic conversation of what is going on. The media control over there just doesn't allow that at all? Seems like a propaganda loss if anything to be telling your people that you are only going to feed them b.s. all their lives.
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