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BehoId, The Underminer!

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Everything posted by BehoId, The Underminer!

  1. It was Krugman. Here's the punchline from one November article: Anyway, the analysts at Briefing Book delved into one possible reason for this disconnect, which I speculated about right from the start — but they’ve done the math. It’s now a well-established fact that partisan orientation affects expressed views about the economy: Democrats are more positive when a Democrat holds the White House; Republicans are more positive when the president is a Republican. What Briefing Book shows is that this effect isn’t symmetric: It applies to both parties, but the partisan effect on sentiment is two and a half times as large for Republicans as it is for Democrats. And here is a more recent one.
  2. nyt had a good article the other day about how partisan perceptions of the economy are now. d's think it is good, r's think it is bad, no matter what. just more of the politics-before-everything that exists now.
  3. "Senator Thurmond, with your vote no, the measure passes unanimously."
  4. its not ridiculous to think that crosses a line. imagine getting in tom landry's face like that. its ridiculous that it is a political discussion somehow, though.
  5. Uncle murdered dad murdered wife hanged herself uncle left a woman to drown cousin died in plane crash It’s pretty dramatic.
  6. Trying to be a meme lord for the yoots is probably the best thing he’s done this campaign season.
  7. I saw the ad. I meant the accusation that he caused his wife’s suicide. He’s a piece of shit but that’s quite a claim.
  8. Saw and heard it. I was at a soccer game at Lamar Middle School at the time. The bolt was horizontal which was odd.
  9. NYT Opinion - Stall until the convention then withdraw. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/10/opinion/joe-biden-convention-2024.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Uk0.5rxz.oDexr24Fraw4&smid=url-share
  10. That’s true. But the Polk one was a campaign promise from the outset.
  11. James K Polk also, famously “I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president,” Lyndon B. Johnson
  12. Gong xi fa cai! (just learned that because of todays NYT crossword)
  13. ? They don't need a bench. They're running Trump, end of story. I'm trying to figure out why it is hard to find someone to beat they guy that just tried to overthrow the government, and the best we can come up with is a dude that we post things like "he just needs to hide for the next 7 months" and "technically, he can just get elected then step down."
  14. i had a coke today. read up about it afterwards. water in it? same stuff that they drank during the rape of nanking. sugar? oops, thought i didn't know about the killing fields. bright red can -- real bright red, white lettering, a little to maga hat if you ask me. caramel color like this is some minstrel show. phosphoric acid was good tho. unless you don't like war crimes.
  15. if i felt like editing that pic, it would say THE DIXIE CHICKS
  16. If he didn’t look so goddamed old. The whole walking corpse thing he’s got going on doesn’t help.
  17. watching that replay is probably my favorite thing to do since the end of the WS. just checking out the stands the whole time.
  18. he does say "that's not funny at all" in the video so
  19. I always like this website. Put in Male 81 and see the distribution of deaths after it. https://flowingdata.com/2015/09/23/years-you-have-left-to-live-probably/#:~:text=As expected%2C the probability that,zero relatively quickly after that.
  20. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/9/in-tucker-carlson-interview-putin-says-russia-cant-be-defeated-in-ukraine fucking dark
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