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BehoId, The Underminer!

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Everything posted by BehoId, The Underminer!

  1. I always like this website. Put in Male 81 and see the distribution of deaths after it. https://flowingdata.com/2015/09/23/years-you-have-left-to-live-probably/#:~:text=As expected%2C the probability that,zero relatively quickly after that.
  2. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/9/in-tucker-carlson-interview-putin-says-russia-cant-be-defeated-in-ukraine fucking dark
  3. The S&P 500 doesn't matter, says v v smart investor.
  4. That was for Joe.
  5. Threshold for canonization is a lot lower than I thought.
  6. Either a new news cycle needs to happen or Biden needs to figure out some way to look relaxed in a conversation. Go on Fallon or something.
  7. All these fuckin tech bros and they can’t even figure out to hold the phone sideways.
  8. Trump was uniquely bad. Haley would be GHWB, Dole, GWB, McCain, Romney. One was a threat to the existence of our country. One is not.
  9. Oh I’m same. Definitely terrified of Trump. I think it was longhornmatt that said if he had to say Haley was President right now, he’d take it. Absolutely my take. I just think this is the sort of document that disappears and is papered over with a few TV appearances where he comes off normal enough.
  10. I find it notable that the one quote that isn’t included is the one that would be most significant — not knowing “within several years” when Beau died. That’s the one that would be most meaningful to show he’s losing it if it really is that bad. But that’s the one that we have to guess at how bad it really is.
  11. Oof. Note to the wise. Don’t peruse that FischerKing guy’s Twitter. You’ll end up on some Klan mailing list.
  12. Also, I’ve got some good crimin’ ideas for my 86 year old dad now.
  13. I think nobody gets mileage out of this. To someone sympathetic to Biden, Biden’s quotes read like offhanded thinking-as-he’s-speaking comments. To someone that wants to see dementia, they can.
  14. there is nothing less double down than romney to trump
  15. this is excellent news. i hated the push back he was getting because of arb values in the future, so we just grabbed one of those arb years. reasonable number for ownership, adolis feels like he's getting good cash too including more than he asked for in year 1.
  16. interesting because of MN
  17. I hope so. If he doesn't sweep the blue wall WI, MI, MN, he doesn't get reelected.
  18. this opinion is going to be leveraged through campaigning as the system trying to keep trump down, but the fighter that he is keeps on winning.
  19. i'm about to fuckin turn around and hit you
  20. AK would be my favorite. They've got the best R senator and they are true cowboys instead of the Dallas burbs that like to pretend like it. They don't seem to be infected with the idiocy that the rest of the country is.
  21. i don't think it reads that way. the section says 1) no elector can be an insurrectionist. they aren't. 2) no one can hold an office that gives aid or comfort to "enemies of the us." that clause doesn't say people that gave aid or comfort to insurrectionists
  22. He's eligible. Why?
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