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BehoId, The Underminer!

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Everything posted by BehoId, The Underminer!

  1. some language on that in the opinion, which is a nice exposition on the history of our laws. Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 69 (nice): "The President of the US would be liable to be impeached, tried and, upon conviction of treason, bribery or other high crimes or misdemeanors, removed from office; and would afterwards be liable to prosecution and punishment in the ordinary course of law." The court looked at that language and rejected Trump's argument that the 'afterwards' requires a prior conviction with impeachment. ". . . Hamilton stress that the President must be unlike the 'king of Great Britain,' who was 'sacred and inviolable.' It strains credulity that Hamilton would have endorsed a reading of the Impeachment Judgment Clause that shields Presidents from all criminal accountability unless they are first impeached and convicted by the Congress."
  2. yeah, i expect an entirely new brand of psychological effect from killing people in a way indistinguishable from an XBox.
  3. I watched BI a year or two ago. Surprised how shitty of a movie it was. Nudity really took the focus off the quality of the story.
  4. He’s the best president since FDR, so it should be very easy to say why he’s the right choice.
  5. Hooray! A-10s are the equivalent of walking away without looking at the explosion. Kills should be with panache when possible.
  6. SPYs about to hit $500. That's crazy. It was 337 before the pandemic, 228 at the trough. so even if you bought at the very highest euphoric peak, and had to get the sads as you watched it drop 100, you're up 50% in 4 years.
  7. It’s a decent way to juice young turnout. It jumped 11 points in 2020 and they’re hoping that magic can be recaptured.
  8. I suspected that the anti-anti-TSwift was disproportionate and maybe only a dozen loud Rs said something about her and no one else cases. I had lunch in the Woodlands yesterday with some oil guys and one note of politics came up — Tay Tays effect on the election.
  9. Empirical evidence, basically. The front running R candidate has never wanted for advertising funds. Make that into a cult leader that has 100,000,000 salivating to give him everything down to their SNAP benefits and I do not foresee a future where it is September 1 of this year and Trump says "I wish we could reach more folks, but I just don't have the ability." A look back -- this machine never stops: https://www.opensecrets.org/2020-presidential-race/donald-trump/candidate?id=N00023864 Campaign & Single-Candidate Groups Targeting Donald Trump Organization Pro/Against Type Total Raised Donald J Trump for President Pro-Trump Campaign $773,954,550 America First Action Pro-TRUMP SuperPAC $150,128,473 Preserve America PAC Pro-Trump SuperPAC $105,322,042 Save America Pro-Trump Leadership PAC $31,512,713 Committee to Defend the President Pro-Trump Carey $17,318,641 Great America PAC Pro-Trump Carey $11,740,054 Our American Century Pro-Trump SuperPAC $7,676,000 Coalition for American Veterans Pro-Trump SuperPAC $7,012,782 Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund Pro-Trump SuperPAC $2,886,598 Support American Leaders PAC Pro-TRUMP Carey $2,458,133 Tea Party PAC Pro-TRUMP SuperPAC $2,162,027 Moms for Safe Neighborhoods Pro-Trump SuperPAC $1,956,859 Rebuilding America Now Pro-Trump SuperPAC $1,410,848 Patriots of America PAC Pro-Trump Carey $1,046,476 Take Back the West PAC Pro-Trump SuperPAC $647,900 American Conservative Union Super PAC Pro-Trump SuperPAC $621,587 Four More Years PAC Pro-Trump SuperPAC $420,602 Tea Party Majority Fund Pro-TRUMP PAC $374,800 Jews Choose Four More Years Pro-Trump SuperPAC $202,778 Campaign to Support the President Pro-TRUMP Carey $184,839 Conservative Triumph Fund Pro-TRUMP PAC $148,532 America Fighting Back PAC Pro-Trump Carey $134,222 Save America from Its Government Pro-Trump SuperPAC $109,127 Together Ready & United for More Prosperity Pro-Trump SuperPAC $102,945 Oklahomans for TRUMP Pro-Trump SuperPAC $94,000 Standing for Wisconsin Families Pro-Trump SuperPAC $78,594 Independents for Prosperity Pro-Trump SuperPAC $50,440 Raise Up PAC Pro-Trump SuperPAC $45,625 American Veterans for the Home Front Pro-Trump PAC $32,646 America First Victory Fund Pro-TRUMP SuperPAC $32,142 America Is Winning Again Pro-TRUMP SuperPAC $28,249 Patriots PAC of America Pro-TRUMP Carey $27,378 Concerned Americans for America Pro-Trump SuperPAC $21,264 Save America Super PAC Pro-Trump SuperPAC $14,520 Make America Great Again Pro-Trump SuperPAC $12,925 No to Joe PAC Pro-Trump SuperPAC $12,325 American Uprising 2020 Pro-TRUMP SuperPAC $8,922 Jewish Floridians for America's Future Pro-Trump SuperPAC $7,830 Committee for American Sovereignty Pro-Trump SuperPAC $1,698 Make America Number 1 Pro-Trump SuperPAC $903 Future In America Pro-Trump SuperPAC -$25,030
  10. you're talking about the origins of decimate, not its current meaning. that's no more misuse than being mad that someone is calling something a hamburger even though it wasn't made in hamburg.
  11. He's not saying those features are not available. He is just using a mouse without a back button right now and it is frustrating him.
  12. a disruption in communications can only mean one thing -- invasion!
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