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BehoId, The Underminer!

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Everything posted by BehoId, The Underminer!

  1. goddamm it. the fucking pinheads in 1960s did it by strapping test pilots to a couple of metal cans, a lighter, gas, and hatred of commies. it's the fucking future with supermega computers and forcefields and telekinesis and and we can't do shit. i'm pissed.
  2. czech folk adopted into a german family that is of your vintage, armybrat? gosh, i wonder if we can solve this mystery.
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/12/30/upshot/2023-year-in-review.html
  4. i don't even know what the accusation is. vanguard is a monopoly somehow? seems analogous to saying roads are a monopoly in dominating the ways we get to places in our cars.
  5. Went to sell all my HTOO stock at $1.32 limit. It executed on a single share. Somebody's going to upgrade to 'cheese' next time he says 'burger.'
  6. GOT at 21, which is funny because it is sort of embarrassing to admit you were into it now with how bad it ended up. Not like there is a scientific way to do this, but the nosedive it took erased it from pop culture in a way that makes it seem so much smaller than Letterman at 35 or really most of the ones in the 40s (MTVs Real World, FNL, Star Trek TNG). Even seems wrong to put it above Roseanne at 69.* ('Roseanne at 69' is the worst thing I've ever typed).
  7. you trying to grift $.99 in this deal some how?
  8. "Rocky 5000" was a punchline to a Spaceballs joke, because they had made 4 Rockys by that point, which was a shocking number of sequels. Now it is shocking if there isn't five of something that worked once.
  9. We’re sending the Eisenhower? Did the navy not see the tweet saying they’re going to sink our carriers?!
  10. I’m sensing round two of: Put a saddle on that ball, it’s going for a ride! / Sliced! / a Lone Star Longball!
  11. Swindle always looks like she’s judging. It’s great. She absolutely kept fetch from happening in her school.
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