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Everything posted by HoffaJimmy

  1. I understand why he is upset but as you pointed out they are screwed long term. COVID is just speeding up the death of their business. We rented Trolls for $20 a couple weeks ago, If you factor in food and drink we probably saved $738 by not going to a movie theater and was still enjoyable at home. (The movie was average and my math might be off on the savings of not having to buy popcorn, drinks and candy at the theater)
  2. For some reason I watched the first few episodes of NYPD Blue last night. Not sure I am going to rewatch the full series but forgot how good it was and what a ground breaking show for network TV. I still can't believe they got away with some of the stuff they showed back then.
  3. He's a bitter little bitch that has changed his story a million times and contradicts himself over and over again. Anything that comes out of his mouth should just be ignored.
  4. Bird was slow as shit, tough as nails and a guy that legit could hit shots from anywhere in the arena. The current young NBA fans have no clue how fucking good he was. As pure a shooter as the NBA has ever seen. The fact that he was an unathletic white guy make him an easy target for those that never saw him play. He looked like he was doing everything in slow motion but it didn't matter who was on him he was going to get his.
  5. 100% make up is her friend Also put me in the can't stand Dee camp
  6. The Ringer has a new podcast that is reviewing episodes from the very beginning. One of the cohosts is Jemele Hill (yes that one) https://www.theringer.com/2020/4/12/21218639/the-wire-new-podcast-jemele-hill-van-lathan Haven't listened and probably won't but thought it might interest some.
  7. Just had my almost daily "on my way home" call you know to talk about the shit she couldn't wait until she got home to tell me about..............
  8. Thanks and I couldn't agree more. If anybody loved Narcos this is really well done. I am only 3 episodes in but has been great so far.
  9. Agreed. I would add Voltaggio to that list as well.
  10. If that is one of your main annoyances with the wife congrats, you've won the lottery.
  11. It is a little odd and I don't know the set up but one of my clients who lives in Texas owns vet clinics in several different states. Obviously not the same since the "owner" will be working there too.
  12. That's pretty much Tony's MO.
  13. No they don't. But I have no doubt that producers push new angles of game play or potential targets while doing their one on one interviews with the players. Not directly but indirectly via leading questions, etc. Agreed. He's a good player I just don't like the way he plays. He's a bully like Rob but Rob does it in such a different way it doesn't come off as being and overconfident asshole. Tony's goose is cooked as Jeremy mentioned he made a move way too early and is going to create a massive target on his back. Sure he has an idol but he will need to win out if he has a chance to getting to the end as the first time he is exposed whoever is left would be morons to not get rid of him. Will be interesting to see how the fire tokens work as we get a little closer to the end of the game.
  14. My parents live about 20 minutes from us- The female mind- Pre COVID- We see your parents ALL THE TIME can't we just have some family time ourselves? During COVID- We never see your parents anymore, I am surprised they haven't asked to come over (yes, don't even mentioned the obvious reason why they haven't) And coming soon- Post COVID- We see your parents ALL THE TIME can't we just have some family time ourselves?
  15. Just in case it matters for those on the fence. Peloton started live classes from instructors homes yesterday. 1st one went off without any issues.
  16. Yeah they have talked about it and Ronnie seems to be more serious about it recently. Howard of course is giving him shit and that he will be bored with nothing to do. I can't tell if it's just Howard ripping on him for show content, that he is pissed he won't be around anymore or a little of both.
  17. Agreed. One of my favorites as well. Great characters, actors and story lines. I will be sad when it's gone.
  18. That or them realizing that there is only so many ways for someone to complain about not being hungry, the rice almost being gone, etc. That is the same every season and would just get repetitive over and over again. Comps and new twists allow them to sell a different show each season.
  19. At this point kind of like the whispering at tribal they can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. I watched a couple of episodes from the first few seasons last year and was amazed at how different it was than what I remembered. Way more "surviving without food" and camp life then I ever remembered, just a lot of laying around chatting about stupid stuff they would never show in current seasons. Now it's comp, search for idol, immunity challenge, a little game talk, tribal.
  20. They need to bring back the Survivor auction.
  21. Mexican Cell phone service talk not going away......... Decent episode but was kind of meh as a season finale. Looking forward to the last season whenever the hell that is.
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