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Everything posted by HoffaJimmy

  1. I remember sitting on the floor about 2 feet away from the TV watching it for hours while my parents yelled at me to turn it off and move back from the TV. Fast forward to today- me yelling at my kids to turn off their ipads and find something else to do.
  2. Preview spoiler- Nothing definite just something that I noticed in the previews that could spoil who goes home next week-
  3. Kevin fucked himself with trying to do to damn much. I understand what he was trying to do but the more you make the more chances the judges will be disappointed in your dish which in RW could be the deciding factor between a W and a L. Respect the shit out of him. He seems like a genuinely great guy. Way too much food. Eliminate 2-4 of those dishes/sides and I think it's a hell of a lot closer. Also sucks that he couldn't find the same curry powder he used last week. Obviously that is going to have a pretty big impact on trying to recreate the dish the judges loved so much the previous week and what they were expecting. Agreed, it's odd. Although I don't think it was as one sided as it had been in past seasons. But pretty clear that Kevin bit off more than he could chew. As much as it pains me I have to give Malarkey a lot of credit. Him talking about not letting the guest know or see the chaos going on in the kitchen is so damn true and can make or break a restaurant. It also brought back a ton of memories of when I was a restaurant manager back in the day.
  4. 100%. Tony annoys the shit out of me but if he is still in the final 3 he will deserve to win based on resume so far. If Tony doesn't win the challenge idol I don't know how you don't take a shot at him and hope that his ego has him go home with an idol in his pocket.
  5. "Cinnamon to the main stage, Cinnamon to the main stage"
  6. I agree with all of this but it's what happens when the producers continue to try and find ways to tweak a show/game that has been around as long as Survivor. The problem there isn't a happy medium. I hate all of the idols floating around, I think it just takes away from the core competition and social aspects of the game that makes it so interesting. What Hatch was able to do season 1 with none of the fall backs or advantages that today's players have is absolutely crazy to think about now. But that is the problem now. If they went back to the first handful of season's rules with no idols or advantages viewers would hate it. Either they don't remember how actually boring the shows were outside of the comps or were too young and never watched them. I am old school less is more guy but not sure how they would be able to find that happy medium of adding interesting potential blindsides that everybody loves vs. having one alliance with all the numbers doing absolutely nothing and just picking off the other sides players week after week with no drama.
  7. The first half of the season was great, it has really stalled the last few weeks if you ask me. I guess they can only do so much but watching last nights episode I would have rather watched two hours of those on Extinction then the players left in the actual game. Tony I guess is entertaining but everyone has to know (including Tony) that if he makes it to the end he is going to win in a landslide. Plus doesn't he have two idols left? I am not anti Tony just didn't think a season with this cast would play out this way. Really the only person left in the game that has any chance at all to beat Tony in the end is Denise. She blindsided Sandra (at the time the biggest move of the game) and is the only person other than Tony to win more than one individual immunity challenge. (Tony-3 Denise-2) That said I don't think she has received the edit for someone that will make it to the end let alone win. If Natalie comes back in and wins I think she would deserve it a hell of a lot more than the guy that won in the original Extinction season who literally had to do nothing for like 30 of the 39 days to win $1M. Natalie has been working her ass off at winning pretty much every advantage and "challenge" they have had on Extinction against some of the best players ever to play the game. She is a fucking beast. I also view what she has done as more impressive than Tony finding 20 immunity idols.
  8. I can't remember where I saw the article but it was from one of the Chicago media circles. It basically said that Krause didn't get the credit he deserved for what he did and also wanted more credit then what he deserved. So he did a great job and also was a jock sniffing asshat that didn't realize without MJ his moves meant shit.
  9. 100%. I wasn't talking this thread specific as eating that shit and making coin investing in said company are two totally different things. I was more talking about the annoying friends that say it tastes the same or is better for you but don't realize they are eating 3 times the amount of salt they would if they had a real hamburger.
  10. Most of TJ "calling them out" was a voice over. But it was still awesome especially him dragging Shaggy C I would love for the Producers to just fuck over this lay in the weeds game play. It would never happen but would be so awesome if with like 12-18 people left they were just like "welp, that's it if you don't have a skull you are going home right now." even if there were only a couple of people on the men's and women's side that had them. I like that they can't run the final without going to an elimination challenge but make those that qualify exempt from the vote for a couple weeks or something like that to get more people to nut up and actually do something instead of just talking shit 24/7.
  11. Ha, good pop. Who knew you could shred cardboard and put enough salt on it for the mouth breathers to think it's real meat. High Blood pressure and cholesterol for all!
  12. One thing that this shut down has made real evident is Cash is still fucking king. Fuck one month emergency fund try six!
  13. My favorite part of that video is the pilot's looking to the right and left like they are checking their side mirrors before attempting a lane change going 25 MPH. It's fucking insane.
  14. That is right around where our bill was last year when I finally jumped ship. YoutubeTV, Hulu, HBO Go and Disney (for the kids) we already had Netflix and Prime. Still use my parents DirecTV log in for MTV reality shows but saving over $100 a month and don't miss dealing with DirecTV at all.
  15. 100% brings back a shit ton of memories from back in the day. Spotify- The Last Dance playlist- https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DX45xYefy6tIi
  16. Ding, Ding, Ding. Maybe mix in a fucking salad and go for a walk every now and again because guess what- it isn't bullshit it will probably save your life.
  17. Yeah most studies out there show 80%-90% (in some states 100%) of people dying had other underlying health conditions. I am not saying it should be an all clear but whenever things finally do clear up and studies are done I think it's really going to show that a overwhelming number of people that die had other health issues whether heart disease, hypertension, obesity, etc. Again not saying that is a reason to not worry about it but it will be interesting.
  18. And maybe it was just me but I swear they zoomed into her low cut top to show off the girls at least half a dozen times during the episode.
  19. It's pretty rare that a guy that is clearly "the best" has that big of a chip on their shoulder after winning as much as he did. Give anybody in life the drive he had and they could do anything they wanted. As far as him being an asshole and his HOF speech being me, me me- Well no shit, that's what made him who he is. Throw in the fact that most (all) of his teammates and the greats of that time (Kobe too) all either liked him, respected him or hung out with him says all you need to know about him. As the episode talked about last night is people want to find that crack to dig at. I get the gambling stories are eye openers for people but the whole side trip to Atlantic City story line was nothing more than New York tabloid bullshit to sell papers.
  20. There is a thread somewhere when it originally ran on Fx.- As for your question- I say No.
  21. There is a reason why they have to use them in trials. Because they fucking work. I am not making light of anybody's illness, mindset or ability to handle things but it does say a lot about people that are magically cured when given a water pill. The power of positive thinking and why I try to avoid the "world is ending" segment of our population.
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