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Certifiably Surly
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1219 Surly 10%

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  1. Definitely capital protection for the time being. But I would like my nest egg to keep up with inflation while I become comfortable with the basics of investing and wait for this volatility to hopefully subside.
  2. Novice investor question. Are money market accounts and short term CDs the best option for low/no risk investing in crazy times like this?
  3. I got the Zero yesterday and IMO it's pretty good. Not mind blowing, but pretty tasty. Not quite grape medicine good.
  4. I think it was the mobile site via an app. It's no big deal, I can just look at it on Chrome.
  5. I got a new phone and it didn't transfer whichever non-Tapa app I learned about on Surly that has the browser type feed. Anyone know what it is/was?
  6. Google docs/sheets ftw. I'll never voluntarily use Microsoft again.
  7. I'm selling a commercial property soon and may be investing in something other than property for the first time in my life. Is there a realistic investing approach that is low to medium risk that can achieve say 7 to 10% annual returns accounting for the current turmoil? Is it worth getting a financial adviser or whatever to manage funds or do they just eat up a couple percent doing what a savvy individual can do on their own at relatively low risk?
  8. I did it twice back in my drinking days years ago. Back then at least you could wander into any tent and find a bit of empty space at the hundreds of picnic tables. The crowd was very international. We spent most of our time in a Paulaner tent and shared a table with some wild Japanese dudes who didn't speak English and had a lot of fun standing on the tables singing gibberish Bavarian drinking songs with our new friends. A server would come to the table periodically with liter steins of beer and we paid as we went, maybe with tickets but I don't recall. The restrooms are massive with super efficient ladies commanding you to each pisser or stall. Lines move fast. I made it through about 2.5 one-liter steins and then woke up at my rental with no recollection of how I got there. I stayed in a cheap Airbnb at the Olympic village where the athletes stayed during whatever Olympics which was cool. They have a great metro system that makes it easy to get around Munich, so you should have a pretty good variety of options depending on your budget. I would suggest booking a place sooner than later because it's a super popular event.
  9. Loading an SUV with a large group of kids to go skiing. I get out to allow the kids in to the back and figure it's a good time to let out a bit of gas. Wearing very light colored sweat pants. My breakfast of three cups of coffee, a couple apples, and a fiber breakfast bar had different plans.
  10. We took away mom's credit/debit cards and checks for this reason. People are evil and take advantage of stupid/cognitively diminished people (no offense). Has always been and will always be. All one can do is try to mitigate the risk of a family member's ability to be taken advantage of. Sometimes you can't which really sucks.
  11. 80% of elder care workers are immigrants. That's wild. https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/09/business/economy/immigrant-workers-deportation-fears.html?unlocked_article_code=1.2k4.IxDx.DGGL-sPilALh&smid=url-share A Chill Sets In for Undocumented Workers, and Those Who Hire Them Fearing roundups, many immigrants are staying home. Construction, agriculture, senior care and hospitality employers say labor shortages will worsen.
  12. Why odd? If it's true, wouldn't an attorney want to get that context out before speculation (see the last two pages of this thread) gets entirely out of hand?
  13. I did this for a house in San Antonio years ago. I ultimately did sell it for a reasonable price. But it was a lot of hassle handling all the showings, paperwork, etc... I don't know if a realtor would have gotten me a better price, but if I had to do it over again I would have used a realtor. You might look at Redfin if they're in your market for a reduced rate.
  14. Same. I knew aggy was replete with Cletus types, but I never knew there was an actual living Cletus. Surreal.
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