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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orale

  1. I recently let my Microsoft subscription expire and now use Google docs, sheets, etc... for my basic needs and they more than suffice so far.
  2. I was a public defender as a young buck attorney before going civil to make money. Nearly all the other PDs I associated with were sharp and worked their asses off. Some of the private attorneys I knew would string a client's case along to ensure they get paid a larger fee while a PD has little incentive not to get the best possible resolution as quickly as reasonable. It is pick of the draw to an extent, but there are plenty of excellent PDs and plenty of meh private attorneys.
  3. I'm heading to Istanbul Monday, so someone to look forward to.
  4. Ha! These little Japanese trucks and vans seemed to pop up out of nowhere in mass a few years ago on Oahu. They're cute, but driving with the steering wheel on the opposite side of the vehicle would freak me out.
  5. I just saw this advisory "Strong southwest wind with gusts of up to 80 km/h on the coast and up to 100 km/h in the mountains." That's lovely. It's supposed to calm down after today to closer to sub-10 mph winds along the coast. I won't embark until Friday afternoon or Saturday morning.
  6. I'm going to ask when I get there. I found what appears to be a good route on Google map that I uploaded to Strava and my Garmin. It's really only the first two days that the apps differ a bit on. The last three days are on the Eurovelo 1 so I feel solid about that.
  7. I'm doing a ride from Lisbon to Porto this coming week (using a good quality rental touring bike) and am finalizing a route. I'm fit but not a highly experienced cyclist like many of you. So I'm looking for a route that has relatively low elevation changes, low traffic, and nice scenery. My question is which app do you like for planning routes. I have Strava, Komoot, and Google Map. While the routes they provide aren't wildly different, there are some differences. Komoot seems to suggest busier roads than Strava and Google when I do random spot looks using google map. I also don't like that Komoot doesn't seem to show the road numbers like Google and Strava which is a pain when comparing routes between the different apps. Anyways, I'm sure whichever route I end up with will be fine, but any suggestions are appreciated. I plan to do multiple longer backpacking trips this year, so I'm using this relatively short trip to test out apps, new equipment, etc.
  8. Good. If Congress were to actually act on it, I wonder if it would affect the ubiquitous alcohol advertising. Prolly not.
  9. The Chilis and Twin Peaks that are across the street from each other would both likely show it.
  10. One doesn't need to be to appreciate it. No offense intended.
  11. This comes out today. It looks intriguing and Craig is always great. It has mostly positive reviews so far. I'm a sucker for period pieces.
  12. I went the bonfire collapse year. A childhood buddy of mine was an architecture 2%er student and invited me. I was the only burnt orange in a large part of the student section. I was respectful in light of recent events. I got a lot of shit and just took it with a wan smile. Never going back there.
  13. Do you need coverage because of lender requirements? I have a commercial property that's similar, basically a concrete bunker that's fully sprinklered etc... We're selling a different property and will pay off the note on this property. Once that occurs we're only carrying liability coverage as the property coverage is for our lender. Our property coverage deductible is so high that we'd be out of pocket anyways for any damage short of a catastrophic event.
  14. Give me a fucking break. There are plenty of corporatist Democrats who are just as beholden to our broken healthcare system as the GOP. This issue transcends party. Attribute it to a single election all you want, doesn't make it so.
  15. Is your argument that people whose family members needlessly die or suffer in agony because of assholes like the UHC guy should just lay back and take it? Sorry pal, that's just the system we have, nothing you can do about it. Maybe submit a letter of concern on your congressperson's website? It seems you have no problem with corporate murder, but blanche at the thought of a citizen punishing a key player in that system. Fuck off with that pearl clutching. It's not murder if it's justified.
  16. Nah. What has peaceful political discourse gotten the hundreds of thousands if not millions who died before they needed to, suffered horribly, or went bankrupt because of the greed of the private healthcare industry? They should just accept their unjust fate and not fight back?
  17. Why post on this forum if you're just going to respond like a child?
  18. Does anyone know where the Mexico City Texas Exes group watches the games?
  19. I'm happy you received the care you needed from UHC. But you do realize your anecdotal experience is hardly a useful data point in assessing the quality of outcomes for 340 million people?
  20. These insurance companies effectively murder or make life a living hell for millions of people every year purely for profit. They are evil. I'm glad this asshole was killed. Perhaps more executives of shitty companies that hurt lots of people should be killed. It just might cause some companies to stop being so evil, if only for self preservation. Keyboard warrior rant over.
  21. I recently switched to Geico and it was 1/3rd the price of our prior carrier Liberty. I've never made a claim so I can't speak to the quality of the coverage.
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