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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Orale

  1. BT loves the blacks as long they agrees with him. Massa no likes disagreement.
  2. You constantly post multiple posts in a row. What a fucking derp.
  3. Exactly. They are cruel ugly hearted people. I have a few uncles like this that I've shut out of my life. I don't need that hateful aura and don't want my kids exposed to it.
  4. I'll take a Dementia Joe surrounded by a brilliant administration over a literally evil Trump surrounded by incompetent grifters. It's not even a close choice.
  5. He raped her? Is that what's alleged?
  6. But it won't. Black voters, white voters, all voters, no one is paying attention to this shit. They aren't on Twitter or other platforms reading the political news. To the small extent they are, they don't give a shit about this nonsense. They most likely agree with Biden. Any black person, or any person of any race, supporting Trump is an evil piece of shit.
  7. Vote Trump if you want. No one gives a shit. Biden has this.
  8. But Johnny is really concerned on behalf of black people. The only option is to vote for Trump who really loves the blacks.
  9. Hey BT, do we still have to believe all women even when one is shown to be a pathological liar?
  10. Shut up Neil!
  11. Nobody is asking for it asshole. But people are allowed to use their brains and express skepticism for claims 30 years after the fact and from people who've expressed extreme adulation for murderous Russian dictators who have murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
  12. "As far as not saying it yourself, that's true, but part of being part of a groupthink circlejerk is that you don't have to say the untasteful thing out loud yourself, you just stand in allegiance with others who do." As opposed to a one man circle jerk?
  13. What a twat. I'm glad he came to his senses. Don't know what the hell he was thinking in the first place.
  14. I've never called her ugly or a whore. Crazy seems fair.
  15. He's just a miserable person that takes pleasure in making other people miserable.
  16. Wow. You post paragraphs of diatribes without the least bit of evidence and when someone posts an article that clearly and definitively contradicts your lies you demur like a Trumpkin asking for specifics. What a pussy. Well, the article says that 60 women who have worked for Biden never ever saw this type of behavior. Another section says there is no where in the halls of the Senate where this type of brazen behavior could have actually occurred. Another section says she was incompetent and fired for that. Another employer says she was dishonest and a thief. Another section says she held herself out as a high level policy staffer who was responsible for high level policy decisions. She was a mail sorter. Another employer says she was manipulative and abusive. Every woman that worked for Biden says he treated them with the highest respect and put them in positions of power when that was still rare on the Hill. A friend of hers in 2018 says she bragged about how close she was to Biden and what an amazing guy he was. But go ahead and dismiss all this you Russian troll.
  17. Biden has undoubtedly declined. A Joe voter just has to accept that they're voting for an entire administration and trust that he'll have the best and brightest in the key positions who will run the day-to-day government, which I'm confident and satisfied he will.
  18. Since you like to write long responses, why not address the factual issues raised in the article.
  19. That is some pretty damning circumstantial evidence that the assault didn't occur.
  20. There are other instances of him sexually assaulting women? Or are you conflating rubbing shoulders and encroaching personal space with forcefully penetrating women? I don't think any rational person would conflate those behaviors. But you do you.
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