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Everything posted by bamachine

  1. I am 48 with Type I that I was diagnosed with on my 9th birthday. I look quite a bit younger than Wilford did then. I just hope to live as many more years as he has.
  2. Likely stage if not, fat boy is a hero.
  3. Bet arms are heavy.
  4. I would definitely sleep on her...she might just suffocate though, as I probably outweigh her by 150 lbs.
  5. Did not say it would cost them the game, just that it might move the line back closer to -12.5.
  6. That might start moving back towards the original line, if the news about LSU's stud RB is true. Rumors of hamstring injury.
  7. I am with those that either wish for no more seasons or for any other season to be set during a different period, featuring different characters. Maybe a few cross over characters at a different age.
  8. It should be fine. Been no nudity and very little, if any bad language. Most of the violence is just implied.
  9. It is keeping me entertained for now. Not the greatest but good enough for me to keep watching, especially with most of my shows in off season.
  10. Too bad they are not playing the Saints for this onside.
  11. Sounds like he is playing injured and he has caught almost everything that was decently thrown.
  12. Tuned in to this game to see Cooper on one side, HaHa and EJack on the other. Cowboys proceed to rarely throw in middle of field and rarely to Coop. I haz disappoint.
  13. Yeah, I thought that might be the case but I know there are fans of non-TX NFL teams on here.
  14. @RPM, you a Baers fan or just like poking fun at Dallas?
  15. holy shit, how did that get caught?
  16. Gotta admit, do not watch many NFL games, are we talking about the former Boise State QB? Is he not a little young to be a coordinator at that level?
  17. Well, that looked easy.
  18. 69 and 1/2, not as nice
  19. That back never looked around for the ball. I expected him to go right out the tunnel like Gump.
  20. Just tuned in, what the McFuck are those Bears unis?
  21. Dustin just likes dragging his dong over everything. I get you, Dustin.
  22. I think the idea was that he was trying to live a normal life for a period of time, something that normally does not exist for him, as he is like the aliens from Arrival, he experiences all time at once. By putting that "limiter" ring into the clone he inhabited, he got to experience life again as a normal human. He may have missed that feeling, from before the "accident" that made him superhuman.
  23. Champipple
  24. I mean, it is OU fans. Someone mentioned the subject matter of the thread being on meth. Doesn't meth make you skinny, she seems more likely to be addicted to lard.
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