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Posts posted by bamachine

  1. Oh well, the last couple of seasons have not been as good but they probably faced the same problems the fat man did. They had an ending but did not really know how to structure the lead up to it. So I can forgive them for making some mistakes. I still will miss the fuck outta this show, when it is over.

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  2. Question for the masses. I am looking for some new sci-fi or fantasy humor. Keep in mind that I have read(mostly own) everything written by the following authors. Pratchett, Gaiman, Douglas Adams, Asprin, Piers Anthony, Donaldson, Brooks(Landover series). 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Rimbo said:

    Speaking of "getting old"... I've been around since the Austin360 days in the 1990s. I know there's a few of us assholes who've been around that long.

    ...Geez, I really need to get a life.

    I started out my CFB message board days on the old CNN/SI boards(in the mid 90's), moved from there to Worldcrossing(around Y2K), then to Tidesports(first time with only Bama fans), then found the site that it's nickname was a type of carpet in 2010. Was talked into starting my own Bama site by the purveyor of that place, I should totally sue that guy for talking me into that hell(j/k BL). Now it is here and r/cfb. I should also get a life.

  4. 2 hours ago, Nueces River Rat said:

    At least he didn't  get circumcised.   

    I can't imagine the heck adult men have to go through who have to get this done as medically necessary or voluntary procedure.  

    That was my introduction to this lot of assholes, back on the site that will no longer be mentioned. They had a MSPaint thread of Sexual Embarrassment(or something like that title). I told the story of my circumcision, at the age of 19(GF at the time passed along a thrush infection), in MSPaint form(quite badly, in stick figures). It was my first thread to ever post with these assholes, back in Feb of 2010. 

  5. I am betting one of the other episodes that he directed was the episode where he gets saved by the Leeroy Jenkins character(can't recall the guy's name, the dude that helped him take down the stash house). I bet he wants to make his character a little less like a tank while other directors want to make him indestructible. 

  6. It would seem like, with this kind of thing, they would clean out your bowels and put you on a liquid diet, including the pain meds, until it has a chance to heal some.

    Just now seeing this thread. Be careful while jerkin the gerkin, for a few days, at least.

  7. 4 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Lol a ton of elective joints are done as outpatient and at least 25% of those patients have the same rate of progress with their rehab.  What a joke making him out to be a superhero.  

    Edit:  and when you’re really small, it’s a lot less stress on the joint.  The little old ladies impress most often.  

    Tons to praise Saban on.  Modern day GOAT for cfb etc...this is a stretch.  

    The SEC Shorts video is exaggerated for comedic purposes. The article that was posted smacks directly of a puff piece, one Saban himself likely orchestrated to avoid the negative recruiting angle.

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  8. Dany is probably no better at actual combat, despite her sticking a couple of wights last night. She just has her own F-16s. Sansa might actually be a better strategist, as she has been through as much, without the use of magical creatures to help her. Does not mean she would be good in a one on one fight.

  9. It tap danced all along the line of silly/too silly but I think it came out on the right side of the line. As for why he did not have a piece, all along he was trying to save the guy's life, even after he got attacked. He was all about self-defense and immobilization not kill mode.

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