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Posts posted by bamachine

  1. Yeah, this show is more about the mental image, rather than putting it right in your face. Besides, very few of the people on there are ones I would want to see nekkid.

  2. I am not saying he became a bad person when he killed her and his father. I just think he has been emotionally wrecked by those events, leading to doing some dumb shit. I think he really wants to help his Queen, he is just too fucked up now. I have a feeling that being around Jaime might recenter him, just before the end. The problem might be, if he has a great idea, it gets ignored now.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:

    I thought it has already been established that Dany can’t have kids 

    Recall Jon dropping the line, "you would trust what someone like that says" line(about the blood witch saying she was now infertile), while they were at the Dragon Pits, last season's finale. I doubt that was just a throwaway line. Then at the end of the episode, they smash for the first time.

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  4. 5 hours ago, thrillhammer said:


    i'm kind of hoping you're wrong about barry and cousineau, and hope they can and do change.  the whole show is about barry changing, and so far he hasn't killed anyone yet, and is training his successor (who appears to be coming along nicely).

    I am thinking that the way the series ends is Barry finally becomes a "real boy". Just as he is finally at peace with his past, his student views him through a sniper scope.

  5. 12 hours ago, dbecks said:

    That was quite the ending, even more so given the title of the episode.

    Kinda confused as to why Fuchs all of the sudden has a change of heart and tries to help Barry, though.

    This season has - as expected - been exceptional so far.

    Fuchs has been inching towards this all along. The more he talked with Barry, the more he regretted agreeing to this. It progressively got harder for him. You really saw it in the next to last episode. He finally broke in this one.

  6. BTW, do not know if this is something discussed on here already, as some of you are wordy mofos. I discussed this with the people I have been watching with, I bet the NK is headed straight to Kings Landing and will not be at the first battle of Winterfell. He is likely headed down to turn the Golden Company into the Rotten Company. Likely Cersei and a few others escape and forced to head right towards their other enemies.

    Part of this is based on Dany's vision of a ruined throne room in KL. Part based on why not?

  7. 6 hours ago, Buzzrock said:

    From the way it kept cutting to her face without showing anything else and seeing the video as she is dropping the pants, looked like an entirely different face. Then I saw the gif below your post and it does look more like her. Oh well, I also recall feeling weird about jacking it seeing Natalie Portman nekkid for the first time, after first seeing her in The Professional.

    • Like 1
  8. 30 minutes ago, Bookman said:

    Oh wow I didn’t notice Ghost.

    I also missed him. As for the Arya scene, the butt and sideboobs was a double. The scenes where they show her from just above the boobs and the slight top cleavage shot from Gendry's perspective, those are her.So, we did see a visual representative naughty bits of what in book terms would probably be about a 16 year old but it was not the actual 22 year old actress.

  9. Last ones I made, I substituted Tajin as the sprinkle on top, rather than the traditional paprika. I also use Bolthouse Farms Avocado Ranch, instead of mayo and I use spicy mustard instead of plain yellow. Definitely use dill pickle relish none of that sweet garbage.Pinch of fresh ground Himalayan sea salt and fresh ground black pepper. They were awesome, if I do say so myself and they seemed to go pretty well, as there were only about 8 of us there and they were gone, when I went back for seconds(there were 24 from a dozen eggs). Next time, may add some freshly crumbled bacon, as pictured above. I avoid using japs or other peppers because I may like them but about half of the people I usually eat with, they think even japs are too hot. Sorry, I cannot throw them away, they are family.

    • Like 2
  10. 14 minutes ago, Augustus said:

    Original recipe is definitely not shitty chicken.

    Maybe in one out of every 10 locations, where they actually give a shit anymore. Every fast food place has their bad locations, KFC seems to have far more terrible locations than most though. I have eaten at about 40 different Popeye's locations and only found one shitty location. About the same for Bojangles. Still, even if you find a good KFC location, it pales in comparison to a good Popeye's with the spicy chicken with red beans and rice.

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