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Posts posted by bamachine

  1. Tyrion did offer her wine, she did not drink it.

    He likely tied her not drinking it and her holding her belly to the conclusion she was pregnant. 

    She may have turned it down to drive that point home. She may have not drank it because she did not want to seem to be meeting him on common ground. Maybe because she had some form of morning sickness. Maybe because he handed it to her and she feared he somehow slipped something in it. It did not have to be because pregnant women do not drink wine in their world. 

    In the scene with Euron, she could be pregnant and a single glass of wine, sipped over time, would not do much harm.

    I still think there is a possibility that she is pregnant and the child is a boy. She has pregnancy complications which take her out, thereby the "little brother"(to her other children) takes her out.

  2. They looked on everyone with sneers, even their "King of the North". With Grey Worm and Missy, there probably also was some extra curiosity/fear/mistrust, as they had never seen anyone who was not white. Most of them probably had not even seen anyone who would fit the "brown" skin tone of the Martells. It just makes them even more "furrin'" to them.

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  3. Could have been and she could be making it all up. Just saying that the only thing we know she embellished, at this point, is her "choke on this" line. I would not put it past her to make up drama, in the interest of furthering her career. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Barry_McCokiner said:

    Ned didn’t know.  He was really surprised when he confronted dayne and his thugs.  However did he ever think to turn the crown over to Jon when Robert died?

    Jon had already joined the Night's Watch by then. As a member of the Night's Watch, you can hold no office, no getting your dick wet, blah, blah, blah.

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  5. 4 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

    You're right. It's the "Night's King". The show stole that name for the white walker character.

    What if Bran actually wargs back into his ancestor, Brandon Stark, then helps create the wall, goes on to marry the white witch, becoming the Night's King. He then waits for the self proclaimed Night King to break through the wall, comes up from behind and ends the Night King, leading the army of the dead back beyond the wall.


    Yeah, I know, not enough season left for that.

  6. 5 hours ago, Sparky said:

    Barry is about to take out some aggression on Sally's ex.  All on a detail of a story she made up seems like.  The training scene in the desert was funny by the way.

    Seems like she did not entirely make it up. Her friend mentioned her having marks on her neck. Seems she just made up the line she supposedly told to him. Seems more likely that he passed out and she took that as her chance to flee.

  7. 1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:


    per the sign at the end - does the night king really leave signs like that?  i always saw them kind of like zombies.   




    As there were several callbacks to the pilot episode, that was another one. Recall in the pilot when the scared night watch guy saw all the dead bodies, they were arranged in the same pattern. It is also the same pattern you see around the tree where the night king was made. He has a bunch of zombies in his army but he is actually quite intelligent.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, futureman said:



    jaime getting killed? jaime trial?  

    the dead army is coming and jaime is there to fight.  bran cares fuckall about bringing jaime to justice for pushing him out the goddamn window.  whatever he wants to talk to jaime about in the courtyard is infinitely more important than their shared past. 

    They showed a snippet in the scenes for next week. They are questioning him. They are going to be somewhat suspicious of his motives They will bring up his past bad deeds. He will have Tyrion and Brienne acting as character witnesses. He will tell them about Cersei's shenanigans. This will take maybe 8-10 minutes before they reluctantly accept him as being there to help..

    I said nothing about them killing him, just that he will be put trough what amounts to a trial.

  9. 9 minutes ago, hornian said:

    Pretty sure the big white walker battle is episode 3, next week is prepping for it, last three episodes are fallout from it. 

    Next week looks to be the Jaime trial, maybe Jon's coming out party and Tormund arrives near the end to tell them to be ready for battle the next day. That would all fit in the 1 hour episode. Then the rest are longer, involving battles on both fronts.

  10. 27 minutes ago, naija said:

    If GRRM were still in charge, I'd say slim chance both Jon and Daenerys make it alive.

    Isn't he technically in charge of who lives at the end? He told them who wins and the basics of what happens, they just have to fill in for his lazy ass to reach that conclusion.

  11. I joined R20, a few months ago. Have played in a couple of small campaigns. It is fine for what it is designed to be. Like any other ttRPG, a lot of it depends on the DM and other RPers in the group. I also joined RPGTableFinder, trying to find locals for possible face to face or online play. So far, only got 5 in the table I created, kind of scattered all over North AL, so face to face likely will not happen. I have even created my own rulebook and world, a very simplified version of AD&D with far less races and classes. Have not created any campaigns within that framework, just a basic Player's Guide. 

    I do not know about any of the other services, as I just recently got back into doing this kind of thing. I have played a ton of JRPG video games but have not played any ttRPG since the late 80's/early 90's.

  12. Only played BL2, finished it and loved it. Have not went back to play BL1 yet. Is the controls setup pretty similar to BL2? I was able to play BL2 on my laptop without a controller. Took forever to do it that way but got pretty good by the end.

  13. Kids are easy to please. For a large portion of my childhood, I existed on gravy and biscuits for breakfast, banana sandwich for lunch and milk and cornbread for supper, during the summers at home. Only on Sunday(plus holidays) did we get a full home cooked meal or occasionally either Captain D's or KFC, plus grilling on the 4th. I thought all of that was fine until I was old enough to drive and went to places like Huntsville, Gadsden or Chattanooga to experience things like Chinese food, Mexican food(Tex Mex), etc. Eventually I found good Italian, Mediterranean, authentic Mexican, good BBQ, plus other foods in the hole in the wall type places.

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