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Posts posted by bamachine

  1. Been trying to quote BL in the handover thread. Every post in that thread, hit quote and it takes me to top of the page. Then try to manually reply at bottom and it will not allow me to type anything in the reply box. I have noted that others do not have issues in that thread. Also the go to the top icon is missing from that thread.


    Also, can we make those green banners at the top collapsible?

    • Like 1
  2. I think Hoyt took Julie as a replacement for his granddaughter, to try and make his daughter happy, after she lost her husband and daughter in the car wreck. I should say, he bought Julie from the mom and her real dad, mom's cousin. The boy was an unfortunate thing. They tried to take her alone, he came along/got murked and he was also why Julie did not go along with the program

  3. On 2/15/2019 at 5:00 PM, Magus Ossis said:

    When Saban steps down (whenever that is), Bama will swing for the fences. They will try for Dabo first, assuming nothing happens between now and then to make him radioactive. If Urbs is still in retirement from whatever his latest health issue is, he would likely be next in line. If Riley is in the NFL and not killing it there, I think he would be high on the list as well. Probably one of the young coaches at p5 non-blue-bloods will be making noise, and that would be my guess for their consolation prize. All this assumes that Saban is not allowed to name/groom his own successor. Bama would probably let him designate a blown-out tire with a whistle taped to it if that's what it took to keep him around another year.

    Gimme Bill Clark.

  4. On 1/24/2019 at 12:20 PM, tbone_ said:

    Fucking ticket prices are insane these days. Just got offered two for Elton John on sat, which I would love to see, face $700 for the pair.

    Ain’t happening.

    Maybe I went to too many $12 shows back in the day. Whatever. Get off my lawn.

    I got an email about a presale for Chris Stapleton in Huntsville(Von Braun Arena) last night. Went there this morning and by the time I could even get on the site, only the nosebleeds were available and only 1 ticket per section, all of them 90 bucks. Dude is awesome but not dropping near 100 for bad seats, especially when I can't take anyone with me to the show. I saw Joan Jett open for Aerosmith back in '90, good seats, 20 each.

  5. They could always hire my ex BIL. He was a massive Peart fan and he learned to play all their stuff. He was pretty decent at it, last I saw him play, That was 15 years ago, I am sure he has only gotten better at it. Note: This is said with a little sarcasm, even though he was decent for otherwise being a  general dumbass.

  6. On 11/29/2018 at 5:01 PM, Storm the Field said:

    LOL, looked up the lead singer b/c that's quite a unique voice, and it looks like his day job is as a pheasant hunting guide. Not what I would have expected:



    During a lull in the hunt: "So, Dave what do you do when you're not hunting." "Oh, I'm the frontman for a moderately succesful death metal band called Jungle Rot."

    Him and the Nuge should totally hang.

  7. 3 hours ago, futureman said:

    according to the captions, if they are correct, it’s 34, 44, and 70.  

    which also checks out.  kids kidnapped in 1980.  old man part takes place in 2015.  middle part is 10 years after kidnapping.  and I have a doctorate in mathematical theory. 

    Yeah, I was basing off the numbers given by the dude that said they used the captions to tell the difference. I rarely use captions.

  8. 10 hours ago, Dilligas said:

    I watch shit with closed captioning now, cause I’m old and shit. But it says Wayne (44 years old) or Wayne (74 years old), so that helps a lot. Dudes name is Wayne right?

    Fuck it, I’m enjoying it.

    It is pretty easy to tell the difference between 44, 54 and 74. 44 is the original investigation, 54 is either with the deposition guys or at home with his wife and kids, 74 is with gray hair and the adult son. Also, so far the transitions have made sense. Now if they keep doing it and it is just random, then it will become jarring.

  9. I would say it is less about where they played their HS ball and more about them choosing pass happy schools outside the SEC. Currently there are two starters from AL and one backup who was supposed to start this past season, Philip Rivers, Jameis Winston and AJ(backup). With only 32 NFL teams, that is 1/16th of the starters, out of 50 states. Other SEC states like GA(2), FL(2) and LA(1) account for 5 other starters, for a total of 7 of 32. I am purposely not counting TX. If you do lump in MO, you get one more, for a total of 1/4 of all starters.

  10. 14 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Dorff will always Dorff it up, though.  I never fail to have this nagging feeling I'm watching . . . Dorff.

    First 2 episodes of S3 were pretty captivating.  I'm in for a while for sure.  Main cop is great, as was his flash forward version.  Garbage picker was great, too.

    The fact that, despite thinking he was familiar, it took me until most of the way through Ep2(the pedo trunk scene, just prior to the note) for it to click, who he was, is a positive sign, at least for me. FWIW, I fast fwd through the intro and credits. If I am missing anything special in either, I count on the assholes here to inform me of such.

  11. 17 minutes ago, J.R. Juniors Junior Jr. said:

    I guess you need to be a fan of a team with more frequent rough patches to develop the sense of gallows humor that makes meltdown threads funny,  This is just a bunch of complaining.

    It is also a much younger, overall, crowd than on the artist formerly known as Shag. I know those rough patches, most of those on reddit do not.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Valmy77 said:

    One puzzling and amusing thing about Saban's tenure is how bizarrely terrible the kickers are. You think with all that oversigning Saban could be bringing in the best kickers in the country.

    The punter has always been good to great under him, until this year. Also, I think as shitty as the PK position has been under him, they missed like one XP until this year, where they missed like 6 total.

  13. 21 hours ago, FriendofaFriend said:

    Yeah fuck that. Original post should not have positive score.

    You are an IdiotofanIdiot. I did not write any of that stuff, I am just sharing it here so people can laugh at the absurdity of cfb fans.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  14. 2 hours ago, SDG said:

    You gonna link the Alabama meltdown thread for our enjoyment?  

    Once I see it posted, will definitely share. Usually it is a day or so after the game(s). Sadly, they are too lazy to dig for the good stuff anymore and just get all their stuff from reddit threads.

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