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Posts posted by bamachine

  1. 1 minute ago, rickyspub said:

    The G5 already get $80M+ of the playoff money each season without being a realistic player. Let the FCS have $10M of that to stay off FBS schedules. The reality is that the P5 needs to move to it's own division. The G5 can be the sacrificial lambs like the old FCS for the new P5 division for one game a year.

    Either that or let each P5 conference subsidize a partner FCS conference and as a JSU fan, I would be happy.


    I fully admit, I do not have all the answers. I just get tired of the conference bashing without taking everything into account. I mean, fuck the rest of the teams in the SEC(except maybe Vandy) but the real reason the SEC does anything is about money. Not that that makes them holy, it just makes them smart to take advantage of whatever wrinkles they can.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Herpes said:


    Get rid of the FCS games.  And if you mandate that the G5 schedule two P5 opponents then you need to take scheduling out of the hands of the AD's and put it into the NCAA or the conferences and require they reciprocate and not avoid playing these G5 teams and have them drop their FCS cupcakes.  

    I am not saying all G5 should have to play two P5, only if they want an auto bid for their highest team. I also made those final two games somewhat flexible for the P5 team, any combo of P5/G5/with one possible FCS. Sosome teams cold schedule 2 G5 teams for their last two slots.

  3. 3 minutes ago, El Squared said:

    Years ago the SEC argument was that they couldn't get a MNC because they were all so tough and beat each other up in the regular season and the beauty contest at the end of the season (pre-BCS) unjustly left them out of the discussion. "Settle it on the field" was the battle cry. But now settling it on the field seems a bit inconvenient, unless it an all SEC field.

    These arbitrary statements about FCS teams being better or worse than FBS is just that---no proof. 

    Settle it on the field. I am sure Citadel is tough, thats why Bama scheduled them late.

    As a Bama season ticket holder, I would much rather have another marquee opponent coming into BDS than a FCS "cupcake". I am just pointing out why those games are played. In Bama's case, it is not for an auto win. It is to ensure they have 7 home games for the season ticket holders. Now that they finally are seeming to go away from the neutral openers, with the ND and UT home and homes scheduled, they may end up with less of those, especially during the home stands of those series.

  4. Just now, Tex Pete said:

    I only ever hear this "benevolence" excuse from SEC fans.

    Fuck your gaming of the system. It's bullshit.

    You will hear it quite a bit from FCS fans, of which I am one of those. My alma mater, JSU, has needed those payout games to stay somewhat relevant in their division. B12 teams play FCS teams, maybe not every team but still. ACC plays them, B1G play in state FCS teams. It is no more of a bye week than playing a bottom dwelling P5 or G5 team. Hell, we had more injuries playing against the Citadel than most P5 games this season, dealing with all the cut blocking against an option team.

  5. Just now, El Squared said:

    Its a hollow argument that SEC won't give  up the CCG to get to 8. They have had years of biased benefit to give a chance to 2 teams, no one else had that luxury, they want to protect their advantage. If the "student athletes" are playing too many games, cut out one FCS regular season yawner each year. With all the bowls, half the teams go to a yawner bowl game anyway.

    No, they don't want to give up the fuckload of money they make off the SECCG. The SECCG makes more on average than the rest of the P5 CCGs combined. Again, they would have welcomed 8 this year, as UGA likely gets ab at large spot and the conference gets another huge payout. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    This is the best line..... so true.

    It's easy.  

    1.  Every conference agrees to play the same number of regular season games, with the same number of conference games and mandated number of games vs FBS opponents.  Sorry SEC, ACC, some B12, some B1G teams, we're reducing your ridiculous scheduling advantages.




    FWIW, I agree that we need standardized scheduling in all leagues. For the P5 make it 9 conf games, 1 P5 OOC and other two can be any combo of P5/G5/FCS)no two games against FCS except in emergency situations). If a G5 wants to qualify, they must play at least two P5 opponents.

  7. That bracket in the second post is the way it should be done, first round at higher seed, rest to follow same setup as current 4 team CFP. The selection committee is just to select the at large and set seeding. They do need to flip the 4/5 around. OU sux but they deserve the home game over UGA, just because of one less loss and conf champ. They do not need to get rid of the CCGs, a conf can if they want to do so but it is not necessary. A grand total of two teams are going to play an extra game in this scenario. Total of up to 16 games. 

  8. 21 minutes ago, Bone3421 said:

    Just curious but how is tua flying around in a private plane for awards season not a violation? Didnt bo jackson lose baseball eligibility for taking private plane to meet with buccs???

    I would say there is a major difference there. One is for collegiate awards, the other for pro sports. I imagine the NCAA allows all these players to fly to these awards shows, on their team planes with their coaches. Also, rules do change from time ti time. The current meal plan and monthly sipend that the P5 players get used to be illegal.

  9. 15 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

    After having him last year in fantasy, I thought that he could have been something if only DeMarco Murray wasn't there. Then DeMarco retired, so I thought that he would be something special this year.

    I drafted him before the season and probably started him at least once, maybe twice... but he has been pretty bad this year. Dion Lewis has been their "star RB" if you were pressed to name one, but...

    He has come on lately and tonight he appears to be going off. He's probably on waiver still in my league. I don't know if he's "in a contract year" (translation: "on the juice to have a career year") or if something has clicked, but this is who people thought that he would be coming out of Bama.

    A few weeks ago, I looked it up and Henry had a higher YPC avg than Lewis. The Titans just decided they needed to give Lewis far more carries per game.

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  10. Not to take anything away from UGA but our offensive play calling was atrocious in that game. 1st down pass. Second down pass, third down pass. The one thing that worked, runs between the tackles, they did rarely. Thank goodness UGA was stupid enough to try and pull that fake.

    I am so happy for Jalen though. Dude is all class. He has improved so much under Enos. He still will not ever be a NFL starting QB but he may have a chance at a backup job.


    There are 5 of us brothers. The second oldest played football for Bryant at Bama. The 3rd oldest ran track(distance) at JSU. I temporarily played tennis at JSU, before being cut after breaking my wrist playing pickup basketball. The brother that was just older than me, he could have played football in college but he was the only one of us that did not want to go to college. My oldest brother came the closest to being a pro athlete. He was a sponsored cyclist, trained with some of the biggest names in cycling. He never made enough to make a living though.

  12. 1 minute ago, slorch said:

    They watch the QB more than any other player on the field.

    Give me a fucking break. These refs have sucked ass all night.  

    I am not saying they have been great or anything, just saying that not blowing it dead was the right thing to do, if there is any question. When a QB is surrounded by the pcket collapsing, kinda tough to see everything unless you are 10 feet tall.

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