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Posts posted by bamachine

  1. I liked it a lot. I went into it with a different expectation. From the commercials, I expected more of a guy with general anger issues, just getting in fights with the assholes of the world. It has some of that but I did not expect the hitman angle. Unfortunately, my damned DVR cut off the first 25 minutes of the penultimate episode and gave me 25 minutes of the show that followed the finale(they would show two episodes, back to back, each week). I got the jist of what I missed but still, kinda made me want to kick a bugger in the balls.

  2. The Post on HBO. Not great, not terrible either. Good for getting someone to read more about what really happened. It kind of told the story but from the wrong POV. Should have been from the NYT side, since they were the ones who really took the big chance. The Post probably should have been about what followed, maybe starting with them being part of the Pentagon Papers Supreme Court trial and making it's way into their real blockbuster story, Watergate.

  3. I don;t know all the specifics but I do know that D2 does not have to give out scholarships. Only certain schools do give them out and they cannot equal more than like 35 full scholarships. So usually the one that do offer them, they split them up into partials for all the signees. That is the extent of my knowledge. 

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