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Posts posted by bamachine

  1. 2 hours ago, seven said:

    Yeah I know that, I just think you're really reading into it. The kid was programed to start the mib on the new game, that's it. We know with bernard/arnold that voice matching doesn't appear to be a barrier. 

    I am not saying it is a carbon copy of him. Just that he could have uploaded key memories of his and programmed some hosts to act in the same fashion as he would have done. Even Bernard is not really Bernard, otherwise he would have known about the past of the original.

  2. 15 minutes ago, seven said:

    I don't think so. That kid is just another programmed host (though sentimental to Ford). 


    I get frustrated with people constantly talking about "X had their consciousness uploaded to Y host". Has there been a single bit of evidence that the technology even exists to do that in this universe? 

    He was speaking with both his own voice and an overlay of Ford's voice. Don't know if he was totally uploaded into the kid but he did have his voice uploaded, at least. Go back and rewatch that scene. That kid was also modeled after Ford as a child.

  3. 2 minutes ago, RTF Horn said:

    I'd also assume it might play to English rich folks so they could relive their colonialist days.  I had that thought on Sunday and then I went to, "...wait, what if one of the parks is a Southern plantation?"  The parks seem to go to our society's base desires - fucking & killing without repercussions.  What if enslavement is part of it too?  I dunno, pretty fucked up to think about.

    Now imagine the slaves are white.

  4. 3 hours ago, heso said:

    Do yinz think the interaction between el lazo and William were pre-programmed by Ford or do you think he has uploaded his consciousness to a host/network and is interacting with William in real time?

    We know he uploaded to the kid, maybe made several copies of that kid. Don;t think he uploaded into that dude, he was just part of most of William's previous adventures, so William has a familiarity with how he will react to any given situation.

  5. 7 minutes ago, A-Tex Devil said:

    I think Bernard took all of that info out of Abernathy and put it in himself.  I think in the compound when Charlotte see Bernard, they don't use Abernathy's name, just that they are still searching for "it".  Perhaps they get Abernathy back and there is nothing on him anymore.  Would explain why Bernard was glitchy again.

    Maybe but I am not sure. I think he may have just unloaded the data onto his tablet. He is likely still glitchy because he did not fix the issue of his damaged cortex, he just did a temporary patch. Like putting air in a flat tire but not patching the leak.

  6. 1 minute ago, DougO said:


    I'm afraid it could be taking a major wrong turn when he offed his friend to save his own skin. He couldn't off the guy he hated that was ruining everything for everybody. It's hard to keep it going as comedy if he's got all this constant inner turmoil. That's a problem you can't undo. He's not so sympathetic any more. Instead of a screwed up guy with messed up rationale for his profession of killing (perceived) bad people, he's just a sociopath. He was trying to get out of it, now he's locked into it, because it's what he is. There's no turning back from that, and that's kinda what drove the story up to this point.

    Agree with most of that. Although, he was put in a no win situation. His friend basically painted him into a corner, one where his friend's wife and kid were also put into danger. By offing his friend, he essentially saved their lives. He is still a borderline sociopath, as he always has been. He just added more fuel to his tortured conscious. That was the whole idea of him trying to distance himself from what he saw as a flaw of his character. Daydreaming about a life that would never be real for him.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    Then that makes that exchange even more odd.  It seemed like he was busting her in an affair, but I guess the "it's over" stuff could have been in the context of her getting herself into danger and messing up the case.

    Yeah, she was saying that she was ending it because it was clouding her judgement. Right before that happened, she had decided to give the relationship a go and took down all the head shots of the acting class, essentially closing that side of the investigation. Then the stuff happened there at the acting class and she saw the error of her ways.

  8. That is the thing about this show, it is great right now but I don't see it having a long run of good seasons. I really can;t see them stretching it more than one more, without it losing it's touch.

  9. I think what is being said is that Delos was uploaded to Abernathy, after he was decommissioned, so that his consciousness and the plans for the hosts could be smuggled out.


    As for Delores plan with the dead army, maybe just a smokescreen to delay any further troops from pursuing her. I think her ultimate goal is to be the only one of a very few  hosts left standing, with her in charge, like the humans were to her. Of course, she has not had her stats boosted to the max, like Maeve had done to herself.

  10. No, they are not married or in a relationship. In the second episode, where we first meet the detectives, they discuss one of the detectives getting divorced and the lead detective winning a bet on his marriage not lasting. She states that relationships can't survive their job. Of course, she is having her little fling with the teach. They may have been talking about that surprising development.

  11. Dammit, I wanted a nekkid Grace(the chick from the India park).


    I knew she looked familiar, she was the hot chick with the group that was "transporting people to the other side", in the final season of The Leftovers.

  12. On 5/2/2018 at 4:09 PM, jimmyjazz said:

    That JLove track has a terribly misleading title.  F-

    She doesn't have a bad singing voice, just a turrible song.


    Also, some of you fuckers are dyslexic. Will Smith and Mark Wahlberg went the other direction. Jayden is one talentless kid, stop trying to push him on us Will.

    • Like 1
  13. On 5/4/2018 at 9:23 AM, Chad Fuck said:

    I would stab all of you in the face for five minutes with Susanna Hoffs.

    I know it isn't germane to the thread.  Just putting you all on notice.

    Already replied to this once but worth another reply. Gimme 5 minutes with her back then or now. Back then, a millisecond to get wood, a minute to ejaculate in each of the three major holes and two minutes to snuggle with her and declare my undying love. Now, a full minute to get some good wood, three minutes to pop one off in her cooch and one minute to fall asleep with a vise grip around her waist, so she could not easily sneak away.

  14. 16 hours ago, DougO said:

    I went to a Dream Theater show and there was an attractive female there that was a big fan. True story.

    She wouldn't give me the time of day. Old familiar story.

    Yeah, at the Foo show last weekend, someone was smoking some good weed and i could not pinpoint it, so I could get a drag. Later someone was smoking some skunk weed, did not try to locate that. Disappointments in life, man.

  15. 4 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    i'm biased, because 3D exhausts my eyes and overwhelms my ADHD, but i saw it in a normal theater at alamo drafthouse and was very happy. 


    IMAX 3D is the only kind of 3D movie I can stand, Any other format gives me a headache. Not sure about the ADHD but IMAX definitely helps with the eyes.

  16. 1 hour ago, utee94 said:

    Yup, agree.  If anyone wants to create the Favorite 90s Music Video thread, feel free.  Of course, it will totally suck compared to this one, but...

    How 'bout this beauty?



    I may have missed it but thought you might have been posting this...



    • Like 1
  17. 56 minutes ago, TedStriker said:

    Just saw U2 in tulsa for the kickoff of their 2018 tour.   TULSA?  Great chance to see them in a smaller'ish venue -capacity 20k. 

    Seems like many bands do this kind of thing often. Start out at a smaller venue and then work up to the bigger ones. Probably so they can work out any kinks in their show.

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