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Everything posted by UTPhil2006

  1. March TOTM
  2. Everything is a risk in the last few years of interest rates, but we are at roughly 4 month lows. My gut says take the bird in hand for the safety and call it a day. The risk of not locking doesn't seem like the reward would be worth it (going down .125 or so in 14 days). Just my .02
  3. Just depends on the broker and what they provide. Some you just hang your license and it's a lower per file fee. Some do a % of commission depending on volume and such. Depends on the company again, but I would think that the commission check would be gift enough.
  4. From your lips to gods ears
  5. Down .03ish now into the 4.1xx area
  6. Your first paragraph of 650 precludes you of this thread.
  7. Also they don't bat an eye at higher rates than COVID etc bc they don't know any different
  8. I was told Aggies don't do this. Love to see it.
  9. But by LilShep. Raise your hand @Jshep34
  10. I think we have a house painter around here somewhere
  11. A well inebriated surly army
  12. Take your time. Drops tomorrow
  13. How fast does @tx 3 putt race to the Team Store to get a Truth BBQ Astros hat?
  14. Tzarina sucks on several levels.
  15. Now finally take down the janky broken one that faces the 59 flyover
  16. No clue, but Portnoys twitter feed for like 2 weeks straight has been crypto nonsense. Maybe that has the arena in a flux?
  17. Broke through the 4.3xx barrier. Last time was Dec 10. Heading away from 5.0 not towards it
  18. 10 year down .07 so far today. Down .25 last 7 days. Getting close to early December lows
  19. This. None of those 4 hurt us
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